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Picking problems

Mitchell Matossi

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hey everyone.
So I’ve encountered some trouble picking. what I noticed was a lot of buzzing when fretting notes, and got some awesome suggestions on how to correct it, but nothing seemed to work. I’ve realized after doing what you all suggested it was still buzzing. So I tried playing and still got buzzing, tried playing each note without a pick, and the buzzing goes away, use a pick and it’s back. any ideas on what I could be doing to cause this? if my description even makes much sense!

Kfir Yaakovi

Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hi Mitch!
    If it can be heard in a video it is better you show it to us so we can have better understanding what is wrong!
    Try to play the strings without a pick, but pick it hard! Issue should still happen, not only with pick
    From ny experience the buzzing from frets is caused by the string touches the metal strip of other frets while being played.
    can caused by:
    – frets arent aligned. Some heigher some lower
    – height of strings are too low
    – neck isnt aligned well.

    Adin Shepherd

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Melbourne, Australia
    Sounds like you may need to adjust the string height a touch or adjust the neck relief.
    Alternatively, you could just be going a little hard with the pick, the buzzing most likely dissapears when not using a pick because you don’t attack the strings with the same intensity. Take note of the strength of your string attack when using your fingers and try to apply that same intensity with the pick.

    Firsty Lasty

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    This kind of thing is always easy to diagnose in person but sometimes very difficult to diagnose by text. A general rule is that once you have the string height set properly at the bridge the only setup adjustments you’ll need to make again is with the truss rod. Of course after years of use things get more complicated as the frets and nut wear down, but that doesn’t happen quickly.
    Here’s something to try to help diagnose things- choose a note on the g string which buzzes when you play it. Fret that note with your pinky, and rest your index and middle finger across all of the strings above it so that they can’t ring out. Strum all of the strings together as if you were playing a chord. If you hear one clear note with no more buzzing, then the guitar is probably fine. If you still hear buzzing, then you know it was not from the pick ‘cuz the strumming motion moved the pick far away from the string.
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