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Recordings of riffs

Stephanie Olsen

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Hi guys! 🤗
I was wondering how u guys record your riff videos/audios … do u recommend any programs?
For some reason my Mac can’t record sound – it’s driving me crazy… does anyone know what to do?
Hope someone can help me.
U may all have a nice day🤘🏻☠️💚

Jak Angelescu

Hey Stephanie! Looking forward to your riffage! I too, use my phone. Some people on here get really fancy with top line recording stuff. But I don’t have the time or patience to deal with all that, lol!
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Rad Synner

Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    If you want any ”clean” sort of recording on your mac, not only would you need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) but also a soundcard. If you want a good fast DAW, garageband can do the trick though if youre okay to spend 200$ on a better DAW, go for Logic x since its pretty user friendly and im also familiar with and id be happy to help (so are other users who have been using it and would also be happy to help im sure). But yeah this is a casual place so no need to be fancy with all that and just record with your phone! That ll do the trick!

    Noah Berends

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Hey! I made a little rundown in the past on the various options available for video software. Here it is:
    Have Apple and money? Final Cut Pro.
    Have Apple but no money? iMovie.
    Have Windows and money? Adobe Premiere Pro (What I use 90% of the time).
    Have Windows but no money? Lightworks (complex) or DaVinci Resolve (simpler). Even Windows Movie Maker can accomplish basic assembly, although I don’t believe you can overlay extra audio tracks. So you’d have to be assembling a combined A/V file (Cell phone video, essentially).
    You can also use GarageBand or Logic Pro on Apple for audio-only and on Windows you can use Audacity, Pro Tools, or Reaper (the bigger 3).
    As far as hardware, I’ve recorded everything so far on my cell phone, and replaced the audio with what I recorded with my microphone setup. If you don’t have that available, you can also set your cell phone leaning against your amp and record that way. If you set it against the amp, you can get a very nice cleaner sound because the relative loudness of the amp will overpower extra noise such as your picking, etc.