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Remedies for Finger Pain?

Vasrely Derian

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I play an acoustic, String gauges are 0.011 to 0.052 (Custom Light as some my call it)
After playing for a couple of hours, I start noticing slight pain (it would build on as I go) on my fingers which would usually kick me off focus practicing. Is there a remedy I could use to reduce or get rid of this pain? Do I just deal with it? Should I just take a break? Should I just leave it so I could keep building my finger calluses? I find it extremely frustrating and I need answers. Thank you.

Pia Bjørseth

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I think you just need to practice for shorter sessions at the time until you build up the finger calluses. It will get better pretty quickly!
I did a quick search and found this article about it: https://ledgernote.com/columns/guitar-guru/guitar-calluses/ 8)
Hope this helps!

Daniel Sobota

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Yeah, as others said, it gets better over time. Me being a stubborn idiot, I try to endure the pain, so I have sore fingers all the time haha. But it’s worth it!
But the thing is that the pain never completely goes away, even Syn will probably feel some of it after playing for more than 2 hours straight.
Synner Endless Summer Collection