M. Shadows: New Avenged Sevenfold Album "Very Influenced by Kanye West"
Frontman says to "expect very wacky ideas" in future material

Okay, so leaving aside the clickbait headline (we've known Syn and Matt were into Yeezy forever, so nothing new here), there's a lot to digest.
"In January, we're going in to finish the strings on the record," Shadows said. "The record's been recorded for a year, but we haven't been able to put the real strings on it, because we couldn't fly out to Prague. When an orchestra have to social distance and they aren't sitting next to each other, they can get out of tune, and we have just finally got to a place where we can use this 70-piece orchestra as we intended. We finish the record in February, mix it in March."
This is the clearest indicator we've gotten to date. I think we all pretty much knew the entire album was in the can except the orchestra and maybe some vocal and percussion overdubs, but this lays out that it's ALL been on the back burner for a year waiting until they could put 70 classical musicians and a few engineers in one room in California. Let's hope they get this done before fucking Omicron ruins everything. Let's hope these fine California musicians are vaxxed and boosted so they can go forward with REASONABLE confidence. From there, it's on to Andy in March - assuming they've spent the downtime getting to at least 95% on artwork and promotional materials, we could be looking at May, as predicted. April seems a little too optimistic, with manufacturing needed for physical media, but perhaps they'll stagger that, too - we don't know.
"Later in the interview, he showed more disinterest in pleasing the upper echelons of the music business by noting that they won't be signed to a record label after this new record, making them free agents with full control over the music and the way they want to release it. "This next record, I don't know exactly how it comes out, but the record after that, we have no label," Shadows said. "At that point we start implementing all the new ideas of going straight to the base of people that really care more. The new frontier excites us; expect very wacky ideas!""
This lines up with some very vague discussion items about decentralizing the recording business and how they hope to integrate NFT ownership into things. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I've been waiting for this a long time. Not necessarily on the NFT front, but a serious, arena-capable band eschewing record labels and contracts for a significant release. That is an old, outdated and predatory model that I've seen ruin good friends' careers. I'm so excited that Syn and the guys are embracing their power and being so visionary and forward-thinking here. I'm excited to see what it will do, how it's received, and how it will affect the future of the music business.