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So, Im thinking about buying a synyster standard.


One Stringer
  • Mar 15, 2023
    as the title says, im thinking about buying a standard, its a used 2012 but its a really good deal, little over 430 dollars with a case awell. But i dont like the fretboard cause its rosewood i think and i prefer the look of the ebony fretboards and it has the hb108 detonators instead of the invaders and im not sure if theres that much of a difference, and also its got a floyd rose special which i think all standards do and ive watched some reviews and looked around and it seems alot of people dont like them cause after a while they get bad from wear and tear and ive heard that the whammy bar gets loose eventually. but ive also seen some few good reviews so im really not sure if i should wait and see if i can find a custom/custom s, i kind of want a sustaniac cause im a really big fan of so far away and i would love to be able to learn the solo. any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
    To me, 430 is a steal especially if it comes with a case. If its good condition you should buy it. If you don't wind up liking it you can always sell it to someone after.


    One Stringer
  • Mar 15, 2023
    To me, 430 is a steal especially if it comes with a case. If its good condition you should buy it. If you don't wind up liking it you can always sell it to someone after.
    I thought about that but its hard to sell signature guitars like his cause only hardcore fans want them and i can only sell it in my country, and yes its in good condition tho id have to spend a bit to oil the fretboard and adjust the floyd.
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection