Great work Sayonil! Very well explained and great example! The reason I like short videos like this is that it’s very easy for beginners to digest. It’s one simple concept and one simple example but executed at a very high level. VERY helpful. So yes, please feel free to do more videos, we can’t have too many concepts on display. Think about theory but broken down. Love the chordal application you did Jak. How bout going into scales that work in a major chord. Another video for minor. Another for putting them together. Talk about a lick from a famous solo and whats happening in it. If that lick is 5 seconds long, you can do more with the video like discussing the harmony/chords as well as whats happening within the solo like arpeggios rhythm and scales. How bout a video for transcribing solos. Then another for actually learning to play the solo to speed.
There’s a great mental model(please look up mental models, ) called “First Principles” that I love. It’s a really simple concept of breaking down something to it’s simplest form. For example, “what is vibrato”. You know it when you hear it but how is it accomplished especially when there are thousands of different styles. Well at it’s simplest form, it’s the target note moving slightly in and out of tune. The bigger the vibrato the more out of tune that note gets before returning to home base. If you only use your fretting finger, then you can only bend the target note sharp, NOT flat. A vocalist can bend the note both sharp and flat so what if you prefer Lady Gaga’s vibrato to Jimi Hendrix’s(just cracked myself up with that one)? Well you may want to use a whammy bar to express a vibrato that goes both sharp and flat because no matter which way you bend a string with your finger, it will ONLY make the note sharper. But pressing the whammy bar will make the note flatter while pulling up on the whammy bar will make it sharper.
Some of you I’m sure are thinking, well duh you stupid fuck, but you’d be surprised how difficult it is for people of all levels to hear something seemingly easy they want to emulate, but not be able to execute it to their liking subsequently moving on to the next goal and repeating this very same process. When it’s put like that, couldn’t you fathom that a lot of people wake up after years of playing hating their own style and having zero clue how to fix it. This is because they don’t understand something at it’s most basic form. We aren’t all given the gift of Stevie Ray Vaughn’s feel, but if we ask ourselves “what am I hearing that makes his feel so incredible and why does mine not sound like that?”, you will begin to dissect and most importantly, understand, what comprises “SRV’s feel”, or “Lady Gaga vibrato”, or even the fuckin “Moon Walk”.
Hope my novel doesn’t confuse you as much as it confuses you ;/