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Solo Trouble


Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Warrenton, NC
    I am so happy to hear that you all are enjoying it! Especially since it is my first real informational video of all time and on this site.
    Absolutely! I would love for you to, but only if you really would like. ^_^ I appreciate you just offering.
    You’re going to make me cry. Thank you so much for always supporting me. It flatters me so much. I think I get so nervous to post because on YouTube I posted a video of me vocally covering Alesana (which is really screamy sometimes, and everyone else who saw it absolutely loved it), but one person really just got to me because he was all “This is terrible. Such as shame. Please take this down.” So I really worked hard since then and it makes me absolutely happy that you and others are enjoying all the hard work and hurdles I’ve been putting myself through. Because I really want to do music in my life. I adore you, Jak. Thank you so much for helping me gain confidence in myself again.

    Jak Angelescu

    @Ed DUDE that lesson was SICK!! I loved the demo lick at 2:19!!! All I know is I’m learning so much I can’t even express my happiness right now. You all have pumped my brain with ideas and I can’t wait until my schedule calms down to really apply all this.
    I bet Syn is loving this for sure. This community is literally on FIRE!!!
    Baron Ben Newton is actually in the process of doing one that I um, kind of, uh, requested him to do to help me out because I personally felt it’s his specialty and it’s a question I’ve had forever. So I eagerly look forward to his next one!
    The next one I’m going to be covering is something that Papa Gates and Syn helped me with and that’s changing the scales over certain chords. For example, I always thought that in a D major blues jam you had to play a B minor pentatonic scale over everything. Turns out, when the 12 bar progression goes to a G7 chord, you can actually play a G minor pentatonic scale although those notes aren’t particularly in the key of D major. Does that make sense? I hope I didn’t mess that up, lol!!

    Jak Angelescu

    @rowan I am not quite sure your age, but I imagine you are significantly younger than me and I’d like to tell you something…
    Seriously. There is NOTHING in this world that can squander someone’s belief in themselves quite like a negative person. People don’t know how to do constructive criticism these days. So many people live in a world where they are miserable with their lives so they get off on taking advantage on cutting someone down. I use to not believe in that when I was like, oh, 15? I thought it seemed like a stupid Barney concept; to think that there ARE in fact bullies in this world that strive for the moment they can affect someone else negatively. But there are. They live to insult, and demean ANYONE who tries. And it’s sickening.
    My singer suffered the same situation. She doesn’t sing like most girls. She doesn’t growl constantly, nor does she try to sound like Lzzy Hale. Her voice can get pretty wild and rough at times, and people don’t like it. Her whole life of singing has been nothing but an uphill battle of bullshit.
    Then lately, a few people started to notice. She was opened to the world of my Instagram followers who actually understand the concept of unique expression and they embraced it. She literally didn’t know how to handle it.
    Whatever you do, please, don’t stop your craft. I don’t care if a billion people on this earth think you suck. I don’t think you suck. I never WILL think you suck. So many people get shot down today in a world of auto-tune, cut and paste, and photoshop that they stop their dream before they even step foot out the door. I expect BIG things for you, my girl! I want to see you get them!
    There will be a billion more douchebags that want to knock you down. But just remember, all the greats and legends of this world were told at one point, “You have nothing special to offer”. 🙂 🙂
    I’m sorry if I ramble on about this but it’s a VERY special topic for me as someone who lived through that crap for 20 years of my playing. I don’t want you to succumb to that.
    Much love!

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    @rowan, some people on the internet are just assholes, and YouTube is a cesspool. I had a video of my son when he was like 2 and having a tantrum. Someone called him annoying and said he should be put to sleep – permanently. Who says that about a toddler??
    Fuck people like that. I just reported the profile, deleted the comment and went about my day. You will ALWAYS get love and support here, where it matters!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Warrenton, NC
    I will be twenty-three this November.
    Thank you so very much. This post really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing your singer’s story. I never plan on stopping. You and Papa Gates and the others, ever since you all commented on my video for the first time and truly made me feel like you enjoyed my playing and efforts and so nice and gently guided me in ways to better my playing, really helped reignite the fire that has always been there…I have been singing since I was about five years old and like four years ago, I think, I picked up a guitar (though it was the wrong hand, LOL). I had to get another guitar that was left-handed, so I could actually learn and play on it. I have luckily gotten blessed with parents that support me and believe in me and pushed me.
    But really, between you always helping and encouraging me and Papa Gates going “You’re a natural!” and talking about how crazy long my fingers were, lol, I set it in my mind that I could never give up. Especially when that came at a very difficult time in my life, when my band disbanded. I feel like there is something in me that I need to get out and share with anyone who could possibly appreciate it. I will never let someone BULLY me into giving up what I know in my heart I was meant to do. Thank you so very much. Love you, girl!

    Jak Angelescu

    Papa Gates is pretty good at sparking that fire back up in someone. Nothing makes you feel so tall and proud like when someone you look up to compliments you 🙂 He has such a great way of seeing the good that someone was gifted with and making them aware of that, even if they don’t know they have it themselves 🙂
    I’m glad you’re here, for sure!

    Donnie Keeney

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    @rowan don’t listen to youtube comments. When I was 16 my sister put up a video of me playing guitar and a random asshole posted something like “you suck kill yourself asshole” and it really tore me apart for a long time. Don’t let it get under your skin. You were great and it was just some angry jerk who is jealous and bitter.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Nicole Lopez

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    one thing i will never understand is how people can be so hateful. Everyone has room to grow, and it always shows more character when you encourage someone rather than try to bring them down. But so far this community has been very kind and helpful and its slowly bringing me back to where i was once as a guitarist and hopefully i can go farther. Im really glad to see this kind of kinship, it gives me hope for people.

    Sayonil Mitra

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Wow. Just caught up with all those vids. So much amazing info. Ed, Rowan, Donnie….amazing.
    You’re right Jak. This community is blowing up.
    Roowan, as others have already said, ignore mean youtube comments. It takes nothing for a faceless email id to post a rude comment on something out on the internet for everyone to see. Just do what you like doing and believe you are awesome in it.
    Ed, I loved that lick demonstration you did in that video. learnt a new stuff.

    Ekrem Taha Ünlü

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Heeey Rowan ! As I have seen so far you are very nice and polite person! Your video is great ! We are all here to help each other. About the mean person just fuck that as korn says 🙂 Internet and real life doesn’t matter there are always assholes all around the world. Don’t mind them. Just believe in yourself and trust good people like in this website! We love you
    Synner Endless Summer Collection