Hey guys! I'm looking for any and all advice on whether you think learning songs is a genuinely efficient way to better learn techniques? Personal experience and examples is preferred. I feel like I've been getting better at certain techniques, but when I try to incorporate them in other areas, I realize that I've only gotten better at the SPECIFIC exercise taught on the school. And it's disheartening.
If you guys think that learning songs is a sufficient method, could you recommend some beginner-intermediate level songs/solos that I could start learning? Avenged is my favorite band, but I know most of Syn's solos are no easy feat. I like most genres, and I'm just here to learn, so give me anything you've got.
If you have any advice on how to better utilize the lessons on here, that is also much appreciated! Thank you in advance.
If you guys think that learning songs is a sufficient method, could you recommend some beginner-intermediate level songs/solos that I could start learning? Avenged is my favorite band, but I know most of Syn's solos are no easy feat. I like most genres, and I'm just here to learn, so give me anything you've got.
If you have any advice on how to better utilize the lessons on here, that is also much appreciated! Thank you in advance.