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Suggestion For the Synyster Gates School

Andrew Fernandes

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
How about having some sort of point system , that when you comment on someones riff you gain points and if your comment is the voted the best you gain more points. You can also have more levels instead of just participant. Lets say there is some sort of rewards for the highest level you can lets say perhaps get master tracks of a7x songs so that you can customise them for your guitar covers, just an idea. Or some over reward. It will give more of a incentive for people to comment and help others out and then it will help people who is commenting also. Maybe someone else can elaborate on this.


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Pretty good idea but for what ever reason I feel like a comment like just ‘Good job’ should counts less than a comment like ‘well done but maybe you can work a bit on this or do this different’ because you dont want to create a system where people will Just comment because it can give them prices you want people to comment to encourage people and help each other become better

Richard O'connor

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Birmingham, England.
i think we have to be careful that this doesn’t become another avenged sevenfold forum/fan club. This whole website is brilliant and there isn’t anything else out there like it. I think that in itself is something gained for everyone. I imagine that a hell of a lot of time and effort has gone into the making of this website so people can learn guitar and better themselves for free.
I think it would be a sad state of affairs if people needed an incentive to comment on peoples videos to encourage one another. That said, everyone on here has been great at encouraging people and leaving comments for improvement and long may it continue.
Keep practising and uploading mate =]
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Filip Tomiša

Campfire Attention Holder
Nov 11, 2019
I don’t think that we really need that. The whole thing was made for people to learn stuff and to create a community to help each other out, not to compete with other people. It would just then become a site where people focus on getting points to get rewards instead of actually learning stuff about guitar. Besides that system wouldn’t work because you could just spam 20 comments and get points and it would’nt make any sense.

Billie M

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I agree with Filip and Richard
if you want to help or encourage someone it got to come from the heart not because you want get a reward for it such as points. It could lead to very insincere nice notes on comment sections. This is not what this school is about.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Jen Hapke

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I see another problem in a point system. We all are at very different skill levels and some have played much longer than others. Also you can’t compare different music styles with each over well.
Besides I would like some kind of folder system at the community riff section. Everytime I go there I probably watch some new videos on the top of the side and don’t scroll down very far. I would like folders like “covers” “tecnical practices” and so on.
But I love this page like it is and I guess I can find everything I really want to find.
I am so lucky because I got into A7X the last summer. I mean I knew about them before but for some reason I had no real connection back then. Whithout this lucky coincidence I would never came here.

Brian Haner Sr.

Staff member
Fucking Legend
Nov 11, 2019
We are working on different ways to incentivize the site. As far as it turning into a fan site – we are ECSTATIC that so many Avenged fans are here – but it’s just as important to us to have a site where guitar players who absolutely hate Avenged can come and still learn. Ultimately, we want this to be a site where guitar players of all styles and tastes can come to gain AND share knowledge.

Matt Wildman

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Liberty IN
Right. I don’t think the points are a bad idea…but maybe when it comes to the whole riff thing. Maybe Papa gates and Syn could reward the points so it’s more fair. Compared to people just liking riffs half heartedly just to get points. As far as rewards go, they could have A7x themed rewards, and other stuff for those who aren’t big fans of A7x.

TheMighty Jambi

Campfire Attention Holder
Nov 11, 2019
I like the site just the way it is. There is plenty of stuff for me to go through. If I could suggest anything it would be like a percentage meter and a way to track like my last lesson I was on.
So like take all the lessons and if I finish them all it would show I am 100% complete and if I have only done one lesson it would show like .01% complete or whatever it would work out to be, something like that. This is something they do at artist works. I have really bad ocd so when I am like ah man I’m only 43% done then my ocd kicks in and makes me keep going. lol I know I have head issues. This wouldn’t need to be displayed to all users but just showing under your own profile. Maybe an option to display to all users if someone wanted to.
The other thing would be to just have something when I login that shows like my last lesson. So last one I clicked it would say something like last accessed lesson #69 or whatever it would be.
Either way though the site is pretty awesome and I’m happy just the way it is.
I am also a user at artist works and can give my thoughts between the 2 sites to anyone or the Brian’s if they care.

Syn Gates

Staff member
Sep 18, 2019
Huntington Beach
You’re not wrong Andrew these are all things we are working on and they will not be at the expense of wholehearted comments and genuine participation. There will be incentives for doing good work and making progress along with big competitions for most improved etc. New additions to the site are going a little slow right now as touring has taken up a lot of time but we have so many wonderful and exciting developments in the works! Thanks for all of the feedback!
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I have a different suggestions. Can we get more than 200 signs when we send a private message. Someone asked me in a private message to help me him with the Caged system and I had to send like 5 different massages to explains it because of the sign limit of 200 (maybe my way of explaining isn’t very efficiënt) and it would be nice to just do it in one message