I've been struggling with making sweep picking sound clean for a long time. typically you'd either hear a string ring out almost like a pull off or sympathetic vibrations as if I was playing a chord super lightly. it always left me frustrated and wanting to quit/give up. This video had taught me what I've been doing wrong this whole time. Despite having to re-learn how to sweep, I can finally rest easy knowing WHAT I was messing up on. The left hand roll. I would just let my finger off the string almost like a pull off. Thanks Papa Gates!
My way of Subconsciously sweep picking or making it like second nature on 3-note or 4-note sweep picking is to start maybe around 80bpm and gradually increase till Plato. That is where your playing coordination can't sync. And the reason behind that idealism is to trick your brain into telling, No.1 at 1st 80bpm I can’t do it. But at the peak of Plato maybe around 100-120bpm, your brain will substantially realise that 100-120bpm is harder. And suddenly 80-90bpm you be nailing it clear as fuck.

And for sure nothing comes easy when subjects towards sweep picking are involved. It takes time. So stay in there put in hours and you will definitely get the results at the end of the tunnel. Another way i would recommend is to repeat that particular sweep picking you are currently diving In maybe from Am to Me or maybe Am to Dmaj and play that arpeggio with a rep of 10 times each. Example as playing/learning Am sweeping technique and getting the sync for the left and right hand in sync starting from 8note to 16note and it is better to “ONLY” start by using high 2 string at a time and gradually put more strings on it. Personally, I recommend you to watch some of Joe Stump's techniques on “YouTube” no disrespect Syn Gates… Without a doubt, Syn Gates is great in all aspects of pro/masterclass Musician and lead guitarist. 🫡


but do check Joe Stump too and finally PLEASE Please Please for the love of God practice with a Metronome. 🫣
Trust me it makes your life easier in future be it in a studio or home-based recording and you be glad you trained with a metronome just because it makes the “Sound Producer/Engineer” life a little easier and wouldn't be cursing you all the time. 🫣

I learn from my mistakes starting everything I ever learn at an early stage of my journey without Metronome and no shit, till to date, I HATE it sooo so much.

Hope this help. 🫡🫶

Peace out -

Silly Rabbit