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The One Month Challenge

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey friends!

    I am starting to get a little bit more active again guitar wise and thought it would be a cool idea to revive this Challenge.

    Basicly you choose something you want to work on. It can be anything from learning the fretboard, a scale, chords, a tough solo, a Song or writing an original.
    Work on it every day when possible, even if it's only for 10 minutes. You can achieve so much with 10min/day. Believe me. I learned the Hail to the King solo like that which was way over my Level at the time.
    Record at which Point you are when you start the Challenge and then how you've improved in one Month from then. If you want you can even record a bit of every day!

    I personally will work on A7X's The Stage. Not sure if I just pick the Intro or also rhythm and a solo.

    Don't let me do this Challenge alone Guys :money-face:

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    But what do I do if all my talent disappears when I hit record?
    Wait there are people that still have talent after hitting record??

    In all seriousness, then you'll see an improvement in how comfortable you are in Front of a cam. So I'd say give it a try :)
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Mmm...seems fun, I'll think about something achievable 😂
    It's not about achieving a goal, it's about improvement :p

    I don't even know If I will be able to Play the Intro of the Stage after the Challenge. But I know I will be better than I am now!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hey friends!

    I am starting to get a little bit more active again guitar wise and thought it would be a cool idea to revive this Challenge.

    Basicly you choose something you want to work on. It can be anything from learning the fretboard, a scale, chords, a tough solo, a Song or writing an original.
    Work on it every day when possible, even if it's only for 10 minutes. You can achieve so much with 10min/day. Believe me. I learned the Hail to the King solo like that which was way over my Level at the time.
    Record at which Point you are when you start the Challenge and then how you've improved in one Month from then. If you want you can even record a bit of every day!

    I personally will work on A7X's The Stage. Not sure if I just pick the Intro or also rhythm and a solo.

    Don't let me do this Challenge alone Guys :money-face:
    Definitely joining in. Need more inspiration to be picking up guitar again & making it my peace of mind after every tiring day at work :)

    I shall keep the song i'm learning in secret hahah 😜

    All the best & most importantly, enjoy yourselves!

    See you guys in a month!
    Last edited:


    Hot Topic Tourer
    Apr 18, 2020
    Cologne, Germany
    I love this challenge! And I have the perfect project for it, actually I just started it yesterday without knowing about this challenge :ROFLMAO: .

    So I've been playing for pretty much exactly 1 year now (start of corona related restrictions -.-) and the one song that I always come back to is Sweet Child O Mine, but only up to the second mini solo or interlude or whatever you want to call it. Actually I think my first video in the media section was me playing the intro at like 1/3rd the speed :ROFLMAO:.

    Anyway, my goals are: Learn the full rest of the song, in particular the main solo and the outro solo (seperated by the "where do we gooooooo now" part) and make it all one coherent whole song, and be able to play the whole thing front to back, to a backing track and just freestyle. Actually, "just" learning the notes from the solo will probably take way less than a month, but the coherent song as a whole will probably take way more. I'm happy if I get it in that form this summer xD.

    So, challenge accepted, I will try to make at least weekly progress videos, or maybe more.

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I love this challenge! And I have the perfect project for it, actually I just started it yesterday without knowing about this challenge :ROFLMAO: .

    So I've been playing for pretty much exactly 1 year now (start of corona related restrictions -.-) and the one song that I always come back to is Sweet Child O Mine, but only up to the second mini solo or interlude or whatever you want to call it. Actually I think my first video in the media section was me playing the intro at like 1/3rd the speed :ROFLMAO:.

    Anyway, my goals are: Learn the full rest of the song, in particular the main solo and the outro solo (seperated by the "where do we gooooooo now" part) and make it all one coherent whole song, and be able to play the whole thing front to back, to a backing track and just freestyle. Actually, "just" learning the notes from the solo will probably take way less than a month, but the coherent song as a whole will probably take way more. I'm happy if I get it in that form this summer xD.

    So, challenge accepted, I will try to make at least weekly progress videos, or maybe more.
    Awesome! Glad to have you on board!
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I'm gonna try to work on Eruption from EVH. I said I was going to practice it again and I didn't. Was at 40% at the time, I have the tapping and descending part stuck in my head. It was one of the first things I tried to learn when I got my first electric guitar. I moved on fast cause it looked so hard and had so many notes, fast too. I tried the tapping part back then. This time around I had lot's of trouble on the fast bending parts especially and probably had less good technique/approach to the tab. I'll post a video after I practice it for today.