Try this pattern too 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 on each string as fast as you can until your tired. Alternate picked starting downstroke and also upstroke. I use palm mute to not break the strings especially the high E. The idea is to build speed, stamina, get accustomed to your guitar and be able to feel where the strings are eventually. The pattern is never ending after awhile you shouldn't get tired after a couple minutes. I learned this one from ystnyer in one of the earlier Guitar World magazine videos. He suggested this to any player that wanted to get started right away.
Next one is Hammer on each finger till it's tired as fast as possible so first finger hammer on fret 5 like 15 times hold it there and start hammering on the second finger to the 6th fret leave hold it there like the first finger so now holding 1st and 2nd fingers down start hammering on the 3rd finger on the 7th fret and do the same with the pinky on the 8th fret. After start alternating between fingers so hold down the first finger and hammer on the 3rd and 4th in triplets as fast as you can ( or pull off ) try all the patterns you can think of and also don't forget the first finger, you can do a complete hammer on from open frets to the 5th for example.
A stretching exercise is using that same 1-2-3-4 chromatic pattern is to try and put a fret space between the first and second fingers when doing the hammer on pull off stuff. It's possible that you'll need to hop/skip back 'n' forth at first, eventually it should get easier and automatically won't. Try this with each finger so the frets would be 5-7 for fingers 1 and 2 than try to space the 3rd finger one fret further so instead of 3rd finger 3rd fret put it on the 4th and so on. It's hard but it'll get better.
The 1-2-3-4 pattern I learned from another early a7x video when Syn said he wrote a guitar duel, I think it was for Bat Country, for Zacky to help him improve. Learned it wrong but I still remembered it and helped me improve. There's a lot you can do with chromatics
One last thing that would maybe help more is try to practice counting out loud so it doesn't mix you up, count lets say starting pinky on 8th fret low E going to A string 5th fret and continuing the pattern. It maybe be strange when counting, it's a hurdle
Most coming ones I think
Hopefully it made some sense I need to go right now.
I can try to clarify and add things
A video would be better but when I talk things keep expanding, need a script maybe
sorry took so long
Ps: The 1234 pattern you can play in dropped D tuning and you can make 3 string power chords with one finger so you can switch between them fast but at the same time it's harder to press down especially with the pinky for me