What’s up folks i want to share with beginners some tips that are useful to have in mind cause i believe that the beginner stance is the most important of playing guitar cuz with a solid start progress will be way faster than with a weak one. First don’t rush over every technicque obviousy we all want to know every single skill of guitar playing but don’t go after all at the same time cause you will progress too little, go one by one and work very hard on it until you get it at 100% the move to another, that way your practice will be more efficient cuz you’re focusing just in one thing not in other 7 o 8 things so you’ll learn more faster and remember to have fun while doing it. Second start SlOW everytime you’re learning a lick a song a solo an excercise always start slow cuz otherwise you’ll develope bad habbits and they are too hard to break sometimes (this actually a sin that even experiencded players commit) i know playing slow can be boring but its a necesary pain trust me cuz when you’re playing slow you can really focus on the correct technique and you want it to become muscular memory so when you increase speed even if you can’t focus 100% on technique your muscular memory will do it. And last but not least theory this is fundamental for creatig your own solos songs etc if notes and skills are colors of a paint theory are the pencils and brushes that the painter used try to learn anything you can from theory cuz its essential for your playing cuz it will be easier for you to jam over a track if you know what notes are in the scale of that backing track, and start learning theory right now its the most common mistake i see every day not pay attention to theory but its crucial for grow as musician an compositor so try it now but don’t force yourself study slow but make sure of understand everything that you are studying. I hope this helps anyone