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What are the characteristics of a good guitarist?

Ryan Puro

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
This is something that’s been bugging me for awhile. What do you guys think makes a guitarist Good? I feel like as soon as you pick up a guitar people expect you be able to play like I don’t know an Eddie Van Halen. I here time and time again if you can’t shred on the guitar you aren’t good. I feel like guitarist are put on this impossible petistel to play like guys who have been doing this for decade’s. Awhile back I was listening to an interview with dave mustanin. He basically said if you can’t “shred like him you aren’t a good guitarist”. This erked me the wrong way. It’s tough out there for young guitarists being instantly put in the category of “shredding”. Let me know what you guys think.

Richard O'connor

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Birmingham, England.
Dave mustaine can be a douche sometimes he also said something along the lines of metal bands aren’t that good anymore because no one can do solos anymore. But id just point him in the direction of gojira.
I don’t think that shredding necessarily makes you a good player. Their are people who just shred for the sake of it but it makes no musical sense or has no Melody. If he says you aren’t good a good player because you can’t shred then does that mean the likes of Jimmy page Jimmy Hendrix Joe Perry slash or any of them players aren’t good? Yeah they can play but I wouldn’t class them as shredders and yet these guys are considered “the greats”.
I think someone like papa gates would answer this better but I would say that having a good grasp on many different styles of music helps. Having a good sense of melody, and having what Pappa gates calls “ear guitar” or “guitar to ear” I can’t quite remember. But basically being able to hear a melody in your head and playing it on your guitar straight away when you are improvising.
I would also say it’s kind of a subjective question because what I say is a good guitarist another man might completely disagree.
I would say not to worry what makes a great player and just work on your own style and play what makes you happy.


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Shredding is bot that inportant actually. B.B. King is amazing and he doesn’t really shred. What makes a guitarist a good guitarist to me is melodic sense, good placement of nuances and especially good vibrato. Also being able to play many different styles can be very beneficial for your playing. This is also where good vibrato comes in since you need good vibrato for every style of music.


Personally shredding can be fun and, in some songs, important. But just because you can’t shred doesn’t mean you’re a bad guitarist.
I think the most important part of being a guitarist is being able to stay in the rhythm. I’ve seen a thousand guitarist hit the stage that are a mile in front of the rest of the band because they just slap their guitar to make noise and don’t pay attention to the rhythm or beat of the song.
The fact is when you start out everyone will want to see what an amazing guitarist you are expecting you to just be able to play anything if they give you the tabs. But it takes work, dedication, and endurance to be able to play guitar.
That’s my opinion though, take it with a grain of salt.

Daniel Sobota

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Ids – Yeah, B.B. King is fantastic, but he’s not a metal or a neo-classical player, so he doesn’t have to shred. You can’t really compare him to say Yngwie Malmsteen and determine which one is better, since they’re different kind of guitarists.
For me, a great guitar player knows what to put where in a song. It can be shredding, a solid riff, or something really melodic and harmonic. It’s just that within the context of a song, it has to work properly, and the best ones are able to put all those elements in one single song and make it work.
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Daniel-the point of mentioning B.B. King is more to make a point that shredding is not necesary. Im pretty sure if you would give a metal backing track to B.B. King and say do whatever you liek with ot he would cone up with something melodically brilliant.

Daniel Sobota

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Ids – Not too sure about it. I don’t know how would he come around all the double bass and blast beats, he would need to create melodies around drum fills, and that could be tough for him because he’s not used to that kind of percussion. He could do much more if it was a mellowed down track rather than 200 BPM speed metal haha.

Ryan Puro

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Speaking of B.B. I got to see him in concert before he passed. He loves his fans man. He stayed after the concert was over to talk with the people that stayed. To the point where his security guards were forcing him to leave. He is a true legend. Also thanks for all the responses I wish more people would see this.

Noah Berends

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Fort Wayne, IN
    I think knowing what not to play is just as important as what to play. If you’re playing with a song, you ought to work around the song dynamics, or if you’re solo, you gotta create the song dynamics. Shredding is fun for awhile but it doesn’t make a song (See: Jackie Vincent (sorry)). So I would say, in my amateur opinion, that a good guitarist is one who can not only play well, but knows when to apple “less is more” and when to have fun.