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What are you currently listening to?

Synner Endless Summer Collection
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Tory Capman

One Stringer
Nov 11, 2019
I was super excited for the new BFMV song, but sad to say I’m a little disappointed. They were at my first show, Bullet, Atreyu, and finally A7X and I remember clear as day how absolutely insane the crowd was for Bullet. And then I saw them with A7X in January and the crowd sucked! No movement! I love this band but something is just missing. Nevertheless, I will give the full album a listen when it comes out.

Ian Stuart

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
I second that Tory! I think Matt has wrote the majority of this album. The last time he did that I believe bullet released Temper Temper (my least favourite bullet record). I think the cheesy lyrics don’t help too much! Haha
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Jen Hapke

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Bruce Springstreen is awesome.
Sometimes listening to music is weird. There are albums I listened to the first time and I had know idea what to think about it. Basically I felt nothing while listening to it. Then I listened to it again in a different mood and I loved it.
There are many bands I think I will allways like the first album I heard of them the most. I will probably allways love the first song I heard that brought me to a band.
In the case of ETF it’s Remember every scar. And that’s probably why I really like the Hate me album. From their new album I like Do you love me? It’s kind of a fun song to sing along to. But the album for me at the moment is nothing like the rest of their work.
If you really love some older work of a band every new album has to impress you more and you will compare it to the older stuff. I have to give them many runs and sometimes I like the albums instantly or I start to like them when I give them a second chance years later.
At the moment I’m listening to Safari song by Greta van Fleet.