Images and Words from 1992 was their breakthrough. I remember around that time, different musician friends all apparoached me separately asking, “Have you heard DREAM THEATER yet?” I hadn’t. Youtube, streaming, and anything online didn’t really exist yet, but the local music paper (the East Coast Rocker at the time, later renamed the Aquarian) advertised that they were playing that weekend at L’Amour in Brooklyn, NY. That was about a 90 minute drive, so me and the other guitar player in my band decided to go. Uninitiated.
We were simply not prepared. Nothing had EVER sounded like that ever before. No band alive approached that level of musicianship in 1992.
We were literally nauseous. Both of us. John joked that “usually, when you see a guitar player like that, you joke about ‘oh well, I can always play bass,’ but here, you look over at that little fucker flying all over the bass and it’s even worse. I’m gonna go put legs on my guitars and turn them into coffee tables.” It was just that mind-blowing.
A few years later (95 I think), through some connections, my band got to mix our demo at Bear Tracks, where I&W was recorded. Amazing studio, but those are mostly from a bygone era.
Anyway, that’s my favorite Dream Theater record. It surely sounds a bit dated now, but it’s still up there as among their best for songwriting and performance. Awake was a little heavier, but very good, too. I feel like they lost something important in their writing when Kevin Moore left.
Of the modern albums, I like the ST one the best.