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What keeps you motivated?

Muz Malek

Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
" We all have emptiness inside, we all have answers to find "

Share what keeps you going ;) Let's inspire & motivate one another!


Check out my cover of "Beast and the Harlot" HERE !
In commemoration of 10 years of my guitar journey ;)
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Donovan Etue

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Washington State
    I've got a few ways I keep myself motivated. I'm constantly listening to music and if there's a song in particular I like I get motivated to either A. Learn my favorite part or B. Work on the techniques that are utilized in the part more so I can hopefully learn it some time in the future. I also would really like to be able to create music that inspires/impresses/amazes me like the work my heroes have done. Like maybe one day I'll write a solo that engages me as much as a Synyster Gates solo or maybe I'll come up with a heavy riff that makes me want to destroy shit as much as a kickass Joe Duplantier riff does. The big dream is of course being able to do such a thing for a living but for the most part I'm just aiming to create music that inspires me and that I am proud of. That's the main more realistic goal anyway.
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    Gemma G.S.

    The main one recently is that I constantly remind myself that everybody was new to this, at some point. Even the greats were doing scales and practicing major chords and strumming exercises in their bedrooms, at some point before they got to where they are! So it's totally okay that I only know a couple of chords and I'm not fast, yet. All that will come with time and hard work! 🤘🏻

    Even more recently, this place - the knowledge that's been handed to us is invaluable, and these student forums are so so helpful. Hearing you all kicking ass motivates the hell outta me!

    Hearing my heroes play always helps, too. They inspire me to wanna play like they do. 😊

    Rad Synner

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    So what im gonna say is not the most fun but I believe in sharing honestly. This year has been the worst of my life. I have lost... a lot. And by that I mean all the forms of loss. The heartbreaking ones, the permanant ones, the ones caused by the world.... you get the point. They all happened one after the other and i did not catch a break. It all happened despite my best efforts and I cant close my eyes without reliving the moments.

    Now I am not looking for sympathy, I do what I must and I do it well, but its important to give context to see where I am coming from. And because even in the darkest moments, there is light to be found.

    I took control of my life and realized that the one constant in my life has been music. It wasnt perfect but my musical journey has always taken me exactly where I was meant to be. always. We could dive into a more spiritual aspect to this conversation but I will leave that for another day. I have a goal. I have a plan and i stick to it. I know who I want to be. What I want to become. So I work for it. Everyday. Sometimes its a very small contribution, sometimes its bigger but the point is that it adds up to get closer to the goal because there are so many steps. I am working on an EP of my own and im taking care of 85% of the work and that requires a lot of discipline and will and planning etc...

    So in conclusion, what keeps me motivated? My own fire. Because nobody is gonna come at me and give me what i want on a silver platter. I must earn it and at the very least, I will give it my best shot. So yeah I take life as it is, not as I want it to be. One day at a time and always trying my best to go to sleep as the best version of myself :)
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    I've got a few ways I keep myself motivated. I'm constantly listening to music and if there's a song in particular I like I get motivated to either A. Learn my favorite part or B. Work on the techniques that are utilized in the part more so I can hopefully learn it some time in the future. I also would really like to be able to create music that inspires/impresses/amazes me like the work my heroes have done. Like maybe one day I'll write a solo that engages me as much as a Synyster Gates solo or maybe I'll come up with a heavy riff that makes me want to destroy shit as much as a kickass Joe Duplantier riff does. The big dream is of course being able to do such a thing for a living but for the most part I'm just aiming to create music that inspires me and that I am proud of. That's the main more realistic goal anyway.

    That's amazing dude!

    Check out my cover of "Beast and the Harlot" HERE !
    In commemoration of 10 years of my guitar journey ;)

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    The main one recently is that I constantly remind myself that everybody was new to this, at some point. Even the greats were doing scales and practicing major chords and strumming exercises in their bedrooms, at some point before they got to where they are! So it's totally okay that I only know a couple of chords and I'm not fast, yet. All that will come with time and hard work! 🤘🏻

    Even more recently, this place - the knowledge that's been handed to us is invaluable, and these student forums are so so helpful. Hearing you all kicking ass motivates the hell outta me!

    Hearing my heroes play always helps, too. They inspire me to wanna play like they do. 😊

    Awesome! Yup, having a goal-oriented mindset is important to keep ourselves going :)

    Check out my cover of "Beast and the Harlot" HERE !
    In commemoration of 10 years of my guitar journey ;)
    • Love
    Reactions: Gemma G.S.

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    So what im gonna say is not the most fun but I believe in sharing honestly. This year has been the worst of my life. I have lost... a lot. And by that I mean all the forms of loss. The heartbreaking ones, the permanant ones, the ones caused by the world.... you get the point. They all happened one after the other and i did not catch a break. It all happened despite my best efforts and I cant close my eyes without reliving the moments.

    Now I am not looking for sympathy, I do what I must and I do it well, but its important to give context to see where I am coming from. And because even in the darkest moments, there is light to be found.

    I took control of my life and realized that the one constant in my life has been music. It wasnt perfect but my musical journey has always taken me exactly where I was meant to be. always. We could dive into a more spiritual aspect to this conversation but I will leave that for another day. I have a goal. I have a plan and i stick to it. I know who I want to be. What I want to become. So I work for it. Everyday. Sometimes its a very small contribution, sometimes its bigger but the point is that it adds up to get closer to the goal because there are so many steps. I am working on an EP of my own and im taking care of 85% of the work and that requires a lot of discipline and will and planning etc...

    So in conclusion, what keeps me motivated? My one fire. Because nobody is gonna come at me and give me what i want on a silver platter. I must earn it and at the very least, I will give it my best shot. So yeah I take life as it is, not as I want it to be. One day at a time and always trying my best to go to sleep as the best version of myself :)

    Totally agree with ya, buddy! Power of will! If we can't seem to find or see a purpose, we don't wait - we CREATE! It always starts from ourselves!


    Check out my cover of "Beast and the Harlot" HERE !
    In commemoration of 10 years of my guitar journey ;)
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    Reactions: Rad Synner

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Sharing my growth and new experiences with my Family Here.

    That's the way! The more we share, the more we learn too! 😎

    Check out my cover of "Beast and the Harlot" HERE !
    In commemoration of 10 years of my guitar journey ;)
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    Reactions: Dominik Gräber

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    What keeps me going with guitar is that I like the sound. Simple but it works.

    What keeps me going in life is only the power of imagination.

    Agreed! Reminded me of this Steve Vai interview!

    Check out my cover of "Beast and the Harlot" HERE !
    In commemoration of 10 years of my guitar journey ;)

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    my goal is (g)friend(s) a little money/credit to show for my work so i can buy cool things like a monster truck and upgrade my cybernetics
    maybe one day i can play fast enough and teleport and won't need a monster truck. also tired of getting beat up
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 17, 2019
    Portugal/Manchester UK
    I just have fun playing guitar to be honest! Playing/learning some songs I like, or just trying practice tecniques whatever. When you come up with something on your own or play something you were not able before is really rewarding. I dont put pressure on myself to do it at all, and I rarely get frustrated when I cant do something! Plus the fact that when Im playing I really forget problems and real life etc but thats the same with every hobby or should be at least...maybe xD
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    Chris Lawrence

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    United Kingdom
    See I find that this is a very “on the fence” kinda thing, once I’m in the “Zone” I can just keep on going and playing, trying out different techniques and strategies and coming up with different styles but then if I’m not in the zone, I end up getting frustrated as hell. Music doesn’t age but we do, so we rock for the ages until we can’t no more is the way I see it!

    Chris Johnston

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    North Ayrshire, Scotland
    I always like to look back to the Guitar player I was before I went to college & really committed to my craft, and use how far I've came as motivation - only 5 or 6 years ago so it still feels recent. The responsibility of teaching people week to week is a great motivator to improve as well! But when it really comes down to it, it could be the tiniest little thing in a song that keeps me going when I hear it and want to figure it out or it pushes me to want to write something that makes me feel the same way. I've always been crazy about the arpeggio Syn plays in the MIA solo at 5:38 - I have no idea why it hits me the way it does but it's one of the most beautiful things I've heard him play on a song 🤟


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Effectively what keeps me going is just the ambition to be really good at my craft and know all sides of it(playing recording, mixing, mastering etc.). I'm a strong believer of independence because it allows me to not depend on anyone to get things done. However, to be able to get there you need to practice your craft and your skills so that's what keeps me going(I'm also a workaholic to be fair)
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    my goal is (g)friend(s) a little money/credit to show for my work so i can buy cool things like a monster truck and upgrade my cybernetics
    maybe one day i can play fast enough and teleport and won't need a monster truck. also tired of getting beat up

    Keep believing in yourself, you'll make it out & spread your wings one day!

    Check out my cover of "Beast and the Harlot" HERE !
    In commemoration of 10 years of my guitar journey ;)

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Making progress is a good feeling. Learning a new song, or coming across a song that inspires me helps.

    Agreed, buddy! Even being able to play just a small part of a song is considered an achievement for me! That's the beauty of music!

    Check out my cover of "Beast and the Harlot" HERE !
    In commemoration of 10 years of my guitar journey ;)
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    Reactions: Lindsey