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what's your favorite a7x album and why?



Hi guys I wanted to know your favorite a7x album and why, my favorite is the stage because I think it works best musically and it’s really tight and the production is really good and my favorite with Jimmy Is their self titled album it’s full with tons of great songs there’s not a bad song on there so those are my two favorite but I want to know your thoughts.

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
They all have a ton of value in their own ways. Everyone listens to different music for different reasons. Many different songs serve a different purpose- some are happy, some are sad. Some simple, some complex. Some writen for a groove, some written for harmony and melody. I love them all because they were all a different and distinct musical statement that the band wanted to make. I know some fans want bands to stay the same forever, but thats so silly. Bands should change and evolve, just like people change and evolve as they grow older.
The two I listen to the most though? Self titled and the stage for sure. The stage is definitely their most mature and thematic

Daniel Sobota

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Even if I think City of Evil is their creative peak, and while The Stage is their most mature and complex album yet, Waking the Fallen still remains my favorite. Why? Because that album has the most character and youthful spirit. It’s a perfect blend of aggressive and melodic, and I don’t think they ever again managed to mix the two as good, well maybe on Not Ready To Die.
That album also has those very cinematic and prog moments, so a song like I Won’t See You Tonight, Pt. 1 is basically the reason why they were able to make songs like Save Me and Exist years later.
I just love Waking the Fallen, man. So many good riffs and drum fills, it’s a monster of a record. My favorite album of all time along with Trivium’s Shogun.
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Yes a lot of you said nightmare I was going to put that instead of there self tiled but I had to do one with the Rev. I love a lot of your guys answers I agree the stage is their most mature album thanks guys by the way.