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Where do I find videos to learn Synyster Gates Solos?

Alex S

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I’ve been apart of this school since day one. I’ve recently noticed Syn posting videos of people “improving.” They are usually playing a solo and I’ve yet to find where I can go to learn some? Would it be the forum or community riffs? It makes me feel silly and a bit left out. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
If you want to learn Syn’s solos you can look up video tutorials on YouTube or ask people here whether they can make a tutorial for you(Jak is great at that)!
As for Syn sharing stuff I don’t know how he decides what he shares he just does and I think k it’s really cool that he does it!

Jak Angelescu

@Ids you are TOO cute and kind! Thank you for mentioning me.
@alex the reason why Syn is posting things up on his Instagram story feed and other social media platforms is he’s trying to showcase (at random) the awesome community and the growth that’s going on here. By NO MEANS are you required to play a solo. Please don’t feel pressured that you have to learn an Avenged Sevenfold solo (or any solo for that matter) to be ‘noticed’. Believe it or not, from what I’ve noticed from him, he watches us more than you think. He’s kind of like God in that way. You can’t see him, nor do you notice he’s there. But randomly he’ll pop up on one of your videos and say “Dude your vibrato is getting better but just work on this a bit more.” Which indicates , he’s always watching. We just don’t know it.
It doesn’t matter what you do. He has a big soft heart towards the ANYONE trying to improve. So don’t feel you have to “fit in” in order to “be noticed”.
If you ARE interested in learning any A7X solos or songs, I had a tutorial for Hail To The King, both intro and solo. Right now I’m working on Buried Alive and after that will be This Means War

Alex S

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Jak, I understand all of this haha. He is great, he is the reason I actually play. I’m very interested in learning solos, i find them beautiful and the reasons i play. Many of the reasons. I’ll check out your tutorials, thank you.

Jak Angelescu

That’s OK buddy! Hopefully you don’t have the flu lol! It seems like a lot of people are coming down with that. I notice that you don’t have any riffs up. It doesn’t matter what you upload just try to upload anything you know! I would love to see you play