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Where's my pick?

Andrew Kuder

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
So, I have a question. Does anybody else CONSTANTLY have no picks available to use? And, where is the weirdest place you’ve ever lost/found a pick? For me… I think the weirdest place I’ve lost one is through a sidewalk crack… and the weirdest place I’ve found one is inside my little brothers stuffed animal, my little brother his them there so he could find me a pick the next time I was wondering through asking everyone in my family if they had seen one.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Kirstin Deal

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I actually still have all of my picks! I constantly lose them, but I always end up finding them later, so I still have every pic I’ve ever owned. I normally lose them by dropping them or knocking them off of tables or something. I’ll find them under furniture and laying around on the ground
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Andrew, this was baby #4 so I’ve been attacked by plenty of pee, poo, and vomit. I had a sacrificial ceremony for the pick and said a few words. Then sent it off with the best solo this beginner guitarist could manage. LOL

Chris Robertson

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Heh, this thread and its responses are gold. I keep all my picks laying on top of my amp head, but I’ve lost plenty over the years in a variety of head-scratching means. It’s to the point now that when I have a new bag of 70+ picks, I’ll always take out the first one and just toss it on the floor or under the bed to get that “lost pick” out of the way.
…though, I can’t say whether my preemptive method had been any success or not. Just makes me feel better mentally.