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Which guitarists inspired you to start playing guitar?


Campfire Attention Holder
  • Dec 1, 2019
    For me it was Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day and nothing,nowhere. I love Billie Joe's energetic and catchy rythms and the melancholic melodies and soft tone of nothing,nowhere. I discovered Avenged Sevenfold later, but that's Syn and Zacky that really pushed me into metal playing style. What about you all?
    Reactions: Manvir B

    Jesse Salmons

    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Nov 11, 2019
    Randy Rhoads got me started, Syn inspired a younger me to stick with it, but the ones that made me truly love the instrument were all the guitarists of Lynyrd Skynyrd in the 70’s. Gary Rossington: one note was enough, he didnt have to be flashy. Allen Collins: Master of a ripping lead solo and percussive rhythms. Ed King: Technical Knowledge and the writer of the Sweet Home alabama riff! Steve Gaines: The man no one knew but shocked the world with his blues knowledge. His solo’s on “That smell” and his actual original that skynyrd made their own with him “i know a little.” Dude was a prodigy. Gone too soon.

    Longer post than i thought but man, the ones that come before us are the ones that need remembering. Legends. All of them.


    Campfire Attention Holder
    Nov 11, 2019
    I remember getting into metalcore with The Poison, from BFMV, then started listening to avenged in 2006. Before that was Randy Rhoads probably, I loved his way of playing. I also think Hammett at some point (we all had that metallica phase when young)
    Even though I loved them I couldnt get a instrument so I had to wait.
    After years I picked the drums and in 2009 formed a local band. After that I focus on guitar, worked 2 years with computers and got my first axe, a Jackson RR5.
    For me that was when I started to listen to lots of music genres, especially jazz.
    Syn would be the biggest inspiration, and recently Mark Holcomb from periphery. He has an unique style at writing lead passages (listen to Passenger by Haunted shores)
    Django was a huge inspiration for me, also lots of spanish guitarrist like Raimundo Amador, Tarrega etc
    Nowdays I get Inspired by Musicians, producers, engineers etc, guys like:
    Dave ghrol, Adam Nolly Getgood, Ermin Hamidovic etc..
    Tim Henson of Polyphia and Aaron Marshall of Intervals are also some guys that gets me going
    Tosin Abasi playing classical guitar is such an inspiration, (check their song The Brain Dance)

    There are LOTS of them hahahaha

    Donovan Etue

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Washington State
    The first time I ever wanted to pick up guitar was after watching Richie Faulkner do an improvised solo for You've Got Another Thing Comin' on Judas Priests Epitaph DVD. I was 12 or 13 and I was just starting to find my own taste in the music at the time and Judas Priest was one of the bands that I like a couple of their songs initially and I would look up their songs on YouTube. Watching Richie create that sonic goodness made me start looking up beginner guitar stuff. Didn't end up getting a guitar for like 3 almost 4 years later when I finally had saved up enough money for the guitar I wanted. Synyster Gates was definitely the first guitarist I really dived into his catalog of solo's and melody's that really caught my ear and heavily inspires me to this day. Then I got into some of Pantera's big hits and watched a few interviews and Dime became a pretty big inspiration. When I picked up guitar a year ago the most inspiring guitarists were Syn, Dime, Joe Duplantier, Mark Morton, and either of the dynamic duo's Judas Priest has had over the years whether it's KK and Glen or Glen and Richie.
    Reactions: Randy Petree

    Randy Petree

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Metallica is not a phase it is a way of life lol
    Reactions: Ed Seith

    Jack Petrillo

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Slash of Guns N’ Roses and Brian May of Queen. My dad showed me the ‘non-explicit’ songs from Appetite when I was 6 hearing Welcome to the Jungle for the first time. I discovered A7X through Guitar Hero 2 watching my brother play Beast and the Harlot. Both times I sat there in awe thinking “what the fuck is this?!”. I was hooked.

    Kat the metalhead

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Jan 20, 2020
    Ontario Canada
    For me it was Billie joe Armstrong for sure!! I’ve been a green day fan since I was 9 but I got really into them at age 12 and when I turned 13 I went to my parents one day and I was like I wanna play guitar and they were all for it! Just seeing him play and how catchy green day songs are made me wanna play and I wanted to be just like him. My first guitar was a candy apple red Stratocaster cuz it was the “ punk guitar”.I still have it and cherish to this day! Now I’m at the point now where I can learn green day songs in 5 to 10 minutes

    When it comes to metal syn is by biggest inspiration. This might sound dumb but I found avenged sevenfold through much music big shiny tunes I was listening to one of the cd’s in 2013 and bat country was on it and I was amazed! Especially with syn’s playing I’ve never heard anyone play guitar like that at the time. After hearing that song I become obsessed with avenged sevenfold and syns playing and starting working on a more metal style of playing.
    Reactions: Nocturne


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Dec 1, 2019
    Honestly there was Nobody really. When I picked Up the guitar I didn't know any guitarists and I Just discovered the heavier Side of Linkin Park, some Disturbed and Bullet for my Valentine shortly after.
    In a way it was the same for me, I didn't really know why I started playing guitar. Two months before I started out I was saying that I didn't like this instrument at all, neither the sound nor its appearance. But at some point almost two years ago, I had to put my energy into something because I had way too much free time and was way too much lost into my thoughts. A friend of mine had a folk guitar into his living room and one afternoon I just picked it up, held it the wrong side and tried to play it, and found it quite fun. Then I told myself that I would feel much better about myself if I could focus into actually doing something in my life, not just playing video games or wasting my time, and it became an obsession. I wanted to learn music for a long time, particularly the piano, but guitar had the advantages of being smaller, lighter, and easier to transport and to start when you are a beginner without any musical knowledge. By chance another friend borrowed me a really small classical guitar she found in a trash which made a horrible sound, but I didn't care, I was so happy to have the possibility to practice anytime I wanted it. After that, I listened to the music I used to listen very differently and I felt in love with the instrument, and that's when I told myself while listening to some Green Day or nothing,nowhere. songs : "When I'll be better I want to play that".

    Kai C

    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Nov 11, 2019
    Naha Okinawa
    I mean I've been listening to rock and metal music since I was a kid and always wanted to play but never had the courage. If I could guess who were my favorites even back then it would probably be Matt Heafy or Syn and Zacky. But it was when I started listening to older music that David Gilmour and a bit of Hendrix actually got me to start wanting to play.
    Reactions: Nocturne

    Conor Mason

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hermitage, Pennsylvania- USA
    Geez....weighted question! I was around at the beginning of MTV when it was just a music channel, haha! There were so many guitarists and bands played in my house all the time. Acoustic guitarists like Leo Kotke or Kenny Loggins were played, as were the Beatles, Bill Hailey and the Comets and to Blues players like B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Albert King. I listened to a lot of music as a kid. As funny as it sounds, there was a killer guitar solo in the song "Miss Me Blind" by Culture Club. You wouldn't think they were a solo band, but Roy Hay, the guitarist in that band, is superbly talented and overlooked. That solo made me want to pick up the guitar. Then, my mom played my Toto and Journey...it was all over! Steve Lukather and Neal Schon were my first huge influences as was Brian May. Queen was cranked in my house growing up. They really made me want to pick up the guitar and really play.

    As I got older and continued to play, I did listen to a lot of Metallica and Pantera and they did influence my playing. I love Tom Scholz in Boston, Eric Johnson, Gary Moore and so many others. I've tried to listen to as many guitarists as I could over the years and constantly listen. Happy shredding folks!