Conor Mason
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Conor Mason
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  • I just wanted to follow up, amidst the madness out there, with my earlier post regarding P90s. This time, I wanted to recommend people give semi-hollow guitars a shout. I fell in love with them and now have 4. My Epiphone Riviera P93, which I mentioned before, has 3 P90's in it. Combine that with the airiness and woody tone of a semi-hollow, and you have magic. My 4 semi's can cover any musical ground I throw at them. Happy shredding folks! I sincerely hope everyone is safe and healthy out there.
    I have to say, if anyone here hasn't tried P90s yet, I whole-heartedly recommend them! I really have gotten into them after decades of playing high output humbuckers. Going down in output has really opened up a lot in my playing and dynamics when I play a lick. I play so much differently. Cheers everyone! Rock on...
    funny thing about you grow and develop as a musician, you find yourself drawn to aspects of music you never thought you'd ever dive into...The more I grow, the more I admire the blues and greats who knew as much about space and how much the notes you don't play are even more important than the notes you do. Happy jamming everyone
    Man, I just need a good chunk of time to actually play...between work, kids and housework, I'm zapped.
    Andrew Milner
    I know the sucks because everything demands your attention. Maybe you need to reorganize your activities and try to make time for everything. It does get annoying when work gets busy tho :LOL:.
    Hey fellow guitarists! I hope everyone is safe and healthy and using the time to enjoy the incredible instrument that is the guitar. Happy Jamming!
    Is that a blue schecter C-1 Classic with 7 Strings in your Profile Picture?? 😱
    Conor Mason
    Hey Dominik!

    It sure is! It is a part of a limited run back in 2014 I believe. It's a C-7 Classic. I was so lucky to find one! It's the 7 string version of the C-1 Classic with the same inlays. Schecter made them for a couple years, I think and I got this one in mid-2016. I got it for a steal since it was discontinued. I got that one from American Musical Supply. It has the same pickups as the C-1, but a JB-7/Jazz-7 combo from Seymour Duncan. Let me know if you have any questions! thanks for asking!

    Dominik Gräber
    That is so awesome! I Play a Red c-1 Classic I modded with Syn Pickups. Such a great guitar. And as I am getting into 7 Strings right now this is Just beautiful!
    Conor Mason
    Hey Dominik! Sorry my response is a long time coming. Thanks for the compliments! I love the guitar. It was well rounded enough, with the right pickups, and wasn't purely metal-focused. I love 7 string guitars and am considering another one. The Seymour Duncans do the trick for me at the moment. I have been playing 7 strings for a long time. I'm always around if you have questions. Cheers!
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