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Which guitarists inspired you to start playing guitar?


Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 17, 2019
    Portugal/Manchester UK
    I dont really know who inspired me, but I remember being a kid and my dad listening to GnR and the solos from Slash always caught my atention and I always thought guitars were cool...but I started playing waaaay after, and I had no real inspiration that I can remember to be honest, I would listen to a lot of songs and always enjoy the guitars but no one in particular. But I have to say that after I started Syn and Zacky definitely made me keep up with the guitar, as I started to get more into it I started to really get addicted to play whatever Zacky V and Syn G played!

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    What made me WANT to play guitar was Mark Knopfler's solo and outro in Sultans of Swing, and Gary Richrath's pick slide in REO Speedwagon's Keep on Loving You.

    Once I finally got a guitar, it was Steve Clark and Phil Collen from Def Leppard and Dave Murray and Adrian Smith from Iron Maiden. Warren DeMartini from Ratt. Then in 86 or 87, I discovered Tesla, and that took over for a lot of years.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I cant really give you an artist. I know I was made for music though. I'd play the coffee table like a piano every fucking night at the age of 4. So my parents have me a keyboard. I dont think the keyboard made it a year. They never got me another. I've tried all week thinking back and thinking who made me buy that guitar? I dont think it was any band in particular. I was just isolated from the world. I think my mental development was behind because of the isolation. I'd play the tonka trucks even when I was a hit older. I was just a lot more.. destructive with them. Lol them I'd go to my room and hit play on a CD. And sing along at top volume. Then the air guitars came. Then we bought a shitty 50 dollar one with an amp. I still have it. How that guy didnt get that guitar of all mine... I'll never know man. But that's when I jammed alice in chains a lot. I cant seem to remember why I got the acoustic though. I had it first. I'll have to keep thinking about it.