Hi Everyone! Ive been checking out tons of guitarists and their styles a lot recently trying to learn tons of strange techniques to mix together and make my own weird style of playing, its actually really fun even though most of what Ive come up with so far is basically clown music. Haha
I started thinking about everyone on here and it made me curious, other than Syn and Brian (obviously we all think that they are hands down, F*cking amazing on guitar
) Who are your favorite people to listen/watch play guitar? Who are some players that absolutely mesmerize you?
Syn and Brian definitely feel free to let us know yours as well if you read this!
P.S. If you are into super cool acoustic playing, There is a guy (not very well known) out there Named Joey Eppard that you should ABSOLUTELY check out, his playing is extremely pretty and unique in my eyes.
I started thinking about everyone on here and it made me curious, other than Syn and Brian (obviously we all think that they are hands down, F*cking amazing on guitar

Syn and Brian definitely feel free to let us know yours as well if you read this!

P.S. If you are into super cool acoustic playing, There is a guy (not very well known) out there Named Joey Eppard that you should ABSOLUTELY check out, his playing is extremely pretty and unique in my eyes.