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Doing a Take That and coming Back for Good

Andrew Milner

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hello fellow students.

    Some of you may remember me from a bloody long while back, as I was doing some theory threads around here, after suddenly dipping.

    But now, a year or so and an almost nervous breakdown later, I've finally made peace with some aspects in my life, regarding what I want to do with it of course. I won't bore you with the details, unless of course you are open to hearing them.

    What you need to know is that I am back and after I finally figure out a good structure for these musical theory concepts, Imma sit down and write them for you. One by one.

    I wish you all a pleasant weekend,

    Jak Angelescu

    Hello fellow students.

    Some of you may remember me from a bloody long while back, as I was doing some theory threads around here, after suddenly dipping.

    But now, a year or so and an almost nervous breakdown later, I've finally made peace with some aspects in my life, regarding what I want to do with it of course. I won't bore you with the details, unless of course you are open to hearing them.

    What you need to know is that I am back and after I finally figure out a good structure for these musical theory concepts, Imma sit down and write them for you. One by one.

    I'm honestly glad to see you here. I remember your posts quite well. And it's very healthy for you to take a step back when necessary. If you feel like sharing the story, I would definitely be one for hearing it. I love it when people share their stories with me of struggles and success. You have no idea how happy I am to see you back here!

    I wish you all a pleasant weekend,

    Andrew Milner

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey guys, thanks for the warm (re-)welcome.

    @Jak Angelescu the beginning of the story, as I dare say fate would have it, coincides with the time I learned about this school some 2-ish years ago. I was burned out from my programming job to the point of going to my bosses and telling them that I needed 3 months off, no pay, no nothing. We compromised at one and a half months and 2 days of working from home afterwards.

    During that time I was also fiddling around with wanting to contribute to this school, somehow, which sparked the theory threads which I enjoyed doing, but felt they needed to be improved. Fast-forward a few months, I remade my website into a Wordpress blog and enjoyed writing on it a bit, until I wanted it improved and it sort of faded into obscurity. I was also getting a bit of burnout again, coupled with the fact that despite me doing a good job, by the management's standard, I hand't received so much as a pat on the back, let alone a raise, for 3 years.

    Fast forward again to May of this year, I finally changed jobs, only to encounter a company with so little vision about what it wanted to be and what it wanted me to be. This lead to some stress on my part which actually impaired my bloody hearing for a bit. Luckily, 3 visits to the doctor later got me back on track. During the month I spend there though I managed to rewrite most of my website into something I actually enjoy using and, thanks to some very useful support from my wife, I decided to quit that job. I took some 2 months off completely, focusing only on fixing stuff in our home and getting my website live.

    But then, I thought about searching for some freelance work. And yeah, it's really hard to obtain projects as a freelancer, but I was hired by some fully remote platforms, however, projects were still scarce. I finally decided to help a relative with a project, something I'll never do again after this, only to be met by the remark that said relative only focused on the end price of the website, saying of course it's too high. Which of course might be true, if you look only at the end result and completely disregard me talking with the support team of the hosting website on said relative's behalf, making sure the website is modern, responsive

    And while I'll reach a consensus regarding the final price of the website, it's the thing that pushed me over the edge, to the point of me realizing I have become the song This Is Letting Go by Rise Against once again.

    It is that realization that brought me to my senses, so to speak. I no longer want to do programming, at least not in the form of working for someone who only looks for the faults in what I do. Because that's the life of a programmer. No one notices when you do something good. No one, or very few. Make a mistake however...

    And during this, I remembered that the point of getting out of this working circle was for me to focus on what I want to do, more than anything else: creating stuff, inspiring and helping people become better, be it through tutorials or sharing what I've amassed during all these years of studying both music and programming.

    In the end, I also remembered something even more important. I was never called a genius in programming, even though I was doing a very good job (again, based on peer reviews and people do not shy away from dumping on programmers). I was called a genius here though, by you, after answering a question about chords. That happened a year and a half ago and I did not forget about it, @Jak Angelescu .

    This is what I want to do. And I'm gonna mare sure I do it right this time.
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