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Fat, shameless plug for a new chapter in my life

Andrew Milner

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    tl;dr -> want to expand my activity as a content creator, created websites and Patreon, pledges and spreading the word are very welcome, will continue to do theory posts, still love Nickelback, websites and details below, love you all.

    Hello, synners.

    With Project Flynn shipped and now awaiting distribution so you can marvel at it with your ears, another thing came to pass. And that thing is the decision to fully dedicate myself to creating content in various forms:

    - music and programming e-courses
    - music and programming books
    - music
    - whatever else I can think of

    I've been on the fence about doing this for a while. And given that these last few months were mostly filled with nothing but "we are looking for someone with more experience" answers because apparently 7 years of experience in which I went from "Hello World" to launching my own websites and having managers have faith in me to allow me to build entire applications from scratch for the company is "not enough experience". I don't even know what f*****g unicorns these people are looking for anymore and frankly, I don't care.

    And given that the "highlights" of my latest job, before it ended, were me waking up in the middle of the night, almost in tears because of the stress and also me, waking up one morning realizing that I was on the verge of raging out at anyone that even looked at me funny, I actually welcomed this outcome, as scary as it may be. Scary is good, it means I'm going to pay attention to what I do to make sure I get the concepts across correctly.

    And I figured it's time I focus my efforts in another direction, one that actually gets me a bit of praise from time to time. That's why, after one of the longest intros since The Stage or Exist, we come to my main points. During these last few weeks, I've been a bit busy creating some personal websites and I am extremely proud of how they look. You can check them out here, here and here.

    And yeah, in the long run, this is something that I want to generate some income. And while I don't have all the logistics of this operation figured out just yet, I did what any reasonable content creator does in this situation and I have created a Patreon account, which you can check out here.

    So, what does this mean for my activity here? It means I have about 20+ threads of music theory which I want to finish, in a somewhat timely manner :LOL:. What I'm trying to say is that I am not locking any activity I do around here behind a paywall. That's not to say I won't appreciate any Patreons that might come my way from all of this, but I'm not going to beg nor stop doing theory threads around here if nobody decides to support me.

    The idea is that I want to expand my activity in this area and I can't do it without the support from others, as much as I'd like to. Support ranges from pledges, spreading the word about my activity to others to the various messages and statuses I receive from you guys here. It means I'm doing something right.

    Some might say that the timing of all of this could have been better and I agree, but it's as Genesis and Disturbed say: "This is the world we live in. And these are the hands we're given.". Sometimes (most of the time actually), s**t just isn't yours to control and you gotta make the most of it.

    To any of you who have had the patience to actually sit through all of this, thanks once again :LOL:. See you on Monday with the latest in music theory.

    P.S. if you know someone who needs help with their websites/music or you are that someone, feel free to reach out to me.
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    Reactions: Dominik Gräber

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Okay, now in all seriousness. Just read through it and payed your website (and the music side) a visit. It's great that you do all of that on your own!
    Now to your website! I think it looks great. Really well designed and easy to navigate. Two things I noticed in the music section (not important, but I thought I'd point that out) you have a field "latest courses" and I think a field with the same optics would be great that's just an overview. Cause the latest courses part seems a little unstructured due to different upload dates :D Also I went into a course about time signatures and in my browser the images of the note sheet are not scaled to my window and are overly big. Maybe you can program them to fit your window?? :D
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    Reactions: Andrew Milner

    Andrew Milner

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Okay, now in all seriousness. Just read through it and payed your website (and the music side) a visit. It's great that you do all of that on your own!
    Now to your website! I think it looks great. Really well designed and easy to navigate. Two things I noticed in the music section (not important, but I thought I'd point that out) you have a field "latest courses" and I think a field with the same optics would be great that's just an overview. Cause the latest courses part seems a little unstructured due to different upload dates :D Also I went into a course about time signatures and in my browser the images of the note sheet are not scaled to my window and are overly big. Maybe you can program them to fit your window?? :D

    Hey, thanks for pointing those out. Yeah, I'll make sure to check those things you've mentioned. I'm sure there are things I may have missed and having someone else check the websites out through fresh eyes usually reveals them :LOL:.
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    Reactions: Dominik Gräber

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey, thanks for pointing those out. Yeah, I'll make sure to check those things you've mentioned. I'm sure there are things I may have missed and having someone else check the websites out through fresh eyes usually reveals them :LOL:.
    That's always the case, isn't it? You just can't be objective on the things you made cause you spend so much time on them xD
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    Reactions: Andrew Milner

    Andrew Milner

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    That's always the case, isn't it? You just can't be objective on the things you made cause you spend so much time on them xD

    It is indeed. One thing I did need to ask you with regards to your observations about Latest Courses. I don't exactly understand what the suggestion is. What exactly were you referring to?
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    It is indeed. One thing I did need to ask you with regards to your observations about Latest Courses. I don't exactly understand what the suggestion is. What exactly were you referring to?
    I Like how that latest courses section Looks. An Overall "courses" section with the courses organized would be cool!

    Andrew Milner

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I Like how that latest courses section Looks. An Overall "courses" section with the courses organized would be cool!

    Aa, I get it now, a sort of all courses thingy. Got it. To be fair I did plan on doing that, but I scrapped it for some reason. I'll see if I can fit it somewhere :LOL:.
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    Reactions: Dominik Gräber