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Whammy bar size for Synyster Standard Diamond Series


Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
Jun 6, 2020
Hey guys, I've just gotten my brand new Schecter Synyster Standard Diamond Series and I've been looking for what tremolo bar to get that fits it, but I can't find any particular size for the "Floyd Rose Hot Rod Special" bridge that it has. Could anyone link me to a whammy bar that would fit or hint me on the size that I need to get? Thanks!

Rad Synner

Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey guys, I've just gotten my brand new Schecter Synyster Standard Diamond Series and I've been looking for what tremolo bar to get that fits it, but I can't find any particular size for the "Floyd Rose Hot Rod Special" bridge that it has. Could anyone link me to a whammy bar that would fit or hint me on the size that I need to get? Thanks!
    I mean, if you bought it brand new it should have come with it?
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    Rad Synner

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    It did not sadly, just the guitar.
    Did you buy it from a store? You are owed a whammy bar. I worked at a music store and I know for a fact that they do come with the whammy bar. If the store lost it or worse, didn't give it to you, that's on them to find you a replacement or to at least deduct the price of the bar from the final sale and not up to you to look for one. I would advise to call them and demand what you are due. Worse case scenario, an e-mail to schecter might also help. All said and done dude, you bought it new, it should come with all accessories!
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    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Jun 6, 2020
    Did you buy it from a store? You are owed a whammy bar. I worked at a music store and I know for a fact that they do come with the whammy bar. If the store lost it or worse, didn't give it to you, that's on them to find you a replacement or to at least deduct the price of the bar from the final sale and not up to you to look for one. I would advise to call them and demand what you are due. Worse case scenario, an e-mail to schecter might also help. All said and done dude, you bought it new, it should come with all accessories!
    I ordered it from guitar center's site, so should they also have included one when it was ordered online?
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Rad Synner

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    That's unfortunate then. Is it possible to get it at a local store or do I need to get it from them online?
    I would say to reach out to their customer support, they will help you out. Do if you bought it online, im surprised that there wasn't any bar... When you say you bought it new, it did come in the schecter cardboard box sealed with tape right? Never opened right?
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    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Jun 6, 2020
    I would say to reach out to their customer support, they will help you out. Do if you bought it online, im surprised that there wasn't any bar... When you say you bought it new, it did come in the schecter cardboard box sealed with tape right? Never opened right?
    Yep it came just like that, everything else was in order as well. I will reach out to them and ask about it, thank you!
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    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Jun 6, 2020
    It's usually taped in the card board, did you check properly? Did you find the allen key in there as well?
    Yes the allen key was in there but no whammy bar. I finally got through to them after many redirecting calls (gotta love customer service), and they said it was their mistake and that they could ship it to me once I verified a few things. Thank you very much for letting me know, because I would've made an unnecessary purchase otherwise! I'm exited to try it out!
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    Rad Synner

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Yes the allen key was in there but no whammy bar. I finally got through to them after many redirecting calls (gotta love customer service), and they said it was their mistake and that they could ship it to me once I verified a few things. Thank you very much for letting me know, because I would've made an unnecessary purchase otherwise! I'm exited to try it out!
    Well I am really thrilled that this has a happy conclusion! Congrats on the new guitar and Im sure you'll be making good use of it! Cheers!!
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