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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Lesson description

In this lesson we introduce you to the D Major Chord and the A Major Chord.

Syn's tips

These are some great Rock 'n' Roll chords to know!

At this point, you should start listening to different bands and Transcribing their music so that you can not just play them, but LEARN FROM THEM as well!

Transcribing is the term used for learning, or copying, a song. You do this by listening to a single part of a piece of music, sometimes just 1 or 2 seconds over and over until what you are mimicking sounds exactly the same. Then move on to the next couple of seconds.

This is incredibly difficult at first but it is a very important skill in order to develop one's ability to understand what they are hearing. A good Musical Ear is so important when you are trying to learn songs whether they are coming from a band you are listening to, or even more importantly, an original piece of music you are trying to create!

For great use of these Rock 'n' Roll chords, start Transcribing bands such as AC/DC and The Rolling Stones to begin with. Nobody uses these great chords better than these two juggernauts and hopefully they can influence some amazing original music from you that we will all be talking about in 50 years!

Don't worry if this seems impossible at first, you will get this if you work hard at it I promise! Start slowly and remember that it's a process and it should be enjoyed. I still have trouble Transcribing music and when it get's frustrating, I move on to something else to give my ears a break and return to it when I'm excited to do so again.

Ask questions and upload videos in the "Discussion Thread". You can upload videos of issues you are having with a song so we can see exactly what the problem is to better serve you in fixing it! If you are having success, please share that with us as well so we can learn from you!
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