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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Lesson description

In this lesson, we lengthen our pattern and show you how to put five chords together.

Syn's tips

Congratulations! Now you know the most common and important open chords there are in the world!

So now that you know enough chords, It is paramount in your musical development to start transcribing songs or even just pieces of them(I explained this in the last lesson’s tips). This is “ear training” 101 and eventually with enough practice, you will be able to simply listen to a song and know what chords are being played without even being near a guitar!

Imagine listening to your favorite band’s brand new record and instantly recognizing what they’re playing. It’s a very exciting tool to have in the belt and it’s been instrumental in my songwriting. When I write a melody or a piece of music in my head, I immediately know what chords I want to hear and can begin to play them immediately. This allows me to retain what I’ve written in my head and eliminates extra work and fumbling around causing me to forget what I had written.

Show us some cool Transcriptions you are working on in the "Discussion Thread". We look forward to checking em out!
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