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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

B flat m chord family. (Contest video)

I was not going to submit to this contest until I realized how much it is parallel to what I've started doing with the beato book I recently purchased it. Since the two are related I have added the video here as a submission. Its longer then planned.. but I do all 7 chords. You don't have to follow them all. It starts off sluggish with the open notes on bflat but it gets better.

Next week I plan to make a simple chord progression using the chords. If you want to suggest a progression for me to play over that'll be helpful. I could pick it myself.. but its more challenging if you pick it for me. I'll do the video of finding the scales I need with the chords from the progression. Then ill record it and solo over it and add that too. Thats basically my plans going forward. But for now.. you can watch me play the chords in the family.

Big tip.. I am a FULL STEP down. Pg teaches you these same chords in c major standard tuning. (I'm step down g minor/bflat major)
That sounded like it was bonus points. But ill type it.

The lessons themselves have helped my song structure come together very well. I feel my song writing has vastly Improved. If you follow my videos and listen to the music im gonna be releasing on top what I already did release youll see the progress too. Just jamming the lessons gave me over 44 songs of material. My raw demos are basically finished now. Im now looking for minor mistakes to fix before spotify comes real for it all. So I guess you could say those are my goals and what the school has done for me.

I barely touched the lessons which is the funny part of it all. Im at a point where I make up a song everytime I do a lesson. So its hard to.keep doing lessons when you gotta finish writing the songs. Lol but the good news is those songs have the technique you were doing. So you never really stop un less you don't play that song.
That sounded like it was bonus points. But ill type it.

The lessons themselves have helped my song structure come together very well. I feel my song writing has vastly Improved. If you follow my videos and listen to the music im gonna be releasing on top what I already did release youll see the progress too. Just jamming the lessons gave me over 44 songs of material. My raw demos are basically finished now. Im now looking for minor mistakes to fix before spotify comes real for it all. So I guess you could say those are my goals and what the school has done for me.

I barely touched the lessons which is the funny part of it all. Im at a point where I make up a song everytime I do a lesson. So its hard to.keep doing lessons when you gotta finish writing the songs. Lol but the good news is those songs have the technique you were doing. So you never really stop un less you don't play that song.
Bonus points are added for adding heart and soul into your video. You do need to use the lessons from the school though. The aspirations/goals for music as well as what you love about the school should be included into the video itself to be valid for the contest. This is because the IG team will feature the winning video on the page and they need that information in the video. Hope this helps !
Also, happy to have you back Calvin !
Do you want me to redo the video cause its already 12 minutes lol. Thats the main reason I didn't add more cause it already dragged on too long

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Calvin Phillips
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