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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Everyone's favorite riff....

Sounds better than it did a few weeks ago believe it or not. Lol. Any tips appreciated. I'll be gradually working the thumb pick in. I tried it today but it frustrated me.
You are already doing really well. The notes come out clean and thats already a good start.

As time goes by and you get used to the pattern and will be ready to rise up the speed, then I would introduce the petronom to structure it all together. But over all, you are on the right track!
Sounding pretty good so far!

As for tips, when I learned to play this, I spent some time working on the chord changes without the fingerpicking, just practicing getting those changes down as fast and clean as I could. I found focusing on one element at a time helped me get the intro down faster.
Sounding pretty good so far!

As for tips, when I learned to play this, I spent some time working on the chord changes without the fingerpicking, just practicing getting those changes down as fast and clean as I could. I found focusing on one element at a time helped me get the intro down faster.
Good tip. That seems to be my biggest hangup.
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This was actually good! All the notes come out clean, which is not as simple as it may seem. You just need to increase the speed now, but you already have a good starting point :)
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Not gonna I was pulled in by the title, and I laughed in the first three notes because of how true the sarcasm was! You're asking for tips? Here's my biggest one. This is a HUGE intro. And it's a lot to put on your plate at once. As someone who is classically trained and learned a lot of fingerpicking intros, you need to take it small bits at a time. Practice each small section until you can play it up to speed or at least to a stable metronome beat. Then learn the next section and practice combining the two. It'll take you perhaps up to a month to get it fluid, but don't give up!
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