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Muted Strings: Help

So after our discussion last night, I took the suggestions of curling my fingers more, being more on my finger tips, and playing one note at a time. And as suspected, I'm muting some strings. My fingers aren't as limber as normal people, due to any number of factors...and I'm doing stretching exercises when I practice. Is there anything I can do?

Also, any advice on smoothly switching between chords would be amazing...I have to stop and think and then play the chord.
First off, it looks like you're playing an Emaj. Try switching the position of your middle and ring finger. Put your middle finger on the A string and your ring finger on the D string. This is the common finger placement for that chord. The way you are playing it now, it looks like your ring finger is catching that d string and muting it.
First off, it looks like you're playing an Emaj. Try switching the position of your middle and ring finger. Put your middle finger on the A string and your ring finger on the D string. This is the common finger placement for that chord. The way you are playing it now, it looks like your ring finger is catching that d string and muting it.
I will give that a try =). I think my ring finger is the issue...it's not bending like it should, if that makes sense?
Alicia's advice is great!

On my side, as an advice, I would tell you to take it slowly. I know that it's annoying but hear me out, the point is to make you and your fingers aware of what they do. Basically, when practising a chord at first, take the time to position your fingers well so that every note and string that needs to ring, ring. This exercise, while simple and frankly boring, will actually teach your finger the position that they need to be in. And after some time, all you have to do is to think about that chord positioning and your finger will find their place on their own.

Same goes for switching chords. Take it slowly so you can teach your finger the position they need to take and how they should transition!

That's how I approach things, hope it helps you :)
Alicia's advice is great!

On my side, as an advice, I would tell you to take it slowly. I know that it's annoying but hear me out, the point is to make you and your fingers aware of what they do. Basically, when practising a chord at first, take the time to position your fingers well so that every note and string that needs to ring, ring. This exercise, while simple and frankly boring, will actually teach your finger the position that they need to be in. And after some time, all you have to do is to think about that chord positioning and your finger will find their place on their own.

Same goes for switching chords. Take it slowly so you can teach your finger the position they need to take and how they should transition!

That's how I approach things, hope it helps you :)
Will definitely work on that =). I did pretty good going between Em and G major but now we're on the struggle bus again. I'm working on finger positions tonight but have a long way to go. Thanks for the good advice!!
Will definitely work on that =). I did pretty good going between Em and G major but now we're on the struggle bus again. I'm working on finger positions tonight but have a long way to go. Thanks for the good advice!!
Consistency in practice will get you there :) You are well on your way, keep on going!
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Hmm, your hand position is looking much better, but as you have shown there is still some muting going on. I would suggest making the chord shape and play it one string at a time, as soon as you hit a muted string take a look at the position of the finger causing the issue and adjust until the string rings clearly, rinse and repeat until the chord rings loud and clear.

A slow process I know, but you need to pull it apart, find the issues and train those fingers to sit where you need them.

As for changing chords, one tip would be the 'bounce' technique. Make the chord shape and lift you fingers off the strings while maintaining the chord shape as best you can, then drop them back on to the strings and repeat. This will help train you to make the shapes before your fingers hit the fretboard.
I will give that a try =). I think my ring finger is the issue...it's not bending like it should, if that makes sense?
It's because that knuckle joint that needs to bend on that finger is weak. It took me like several months to get basic chord changes down. So proud of you
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It's because that knuckle joint that needs to bend on that finger is weak. It took me like several months to get basic chord changes down. So proud of you
I wonder if my finger can lift weights? ;) I will have to keep practicing and see if I can shore it up a little, haha. That's the hand I have grip issues with (getting old sucks, lol!) and so am working to keep it moving as it is. This will be a good thing to work on!
Maybe the middle finger and annular finger need to switch. Sometimes the fingering is important, changing things helped me much.
The chords you have trouble with, practice just switching between those specific ones.
Like C-G C-G or G-C G-C the tempo could be 1-2-3-openstrings+switchchord repeat.
I didn't read all the comments, hopefully I explained it ok
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Maybe the middle finger and annular finger need to switch. Sometimes the fingering is important, changing things helped me much.
The chords you have trouble with, practice just switching between those specific ones.
Like C-G C-G or G-C G-C the tempo could be 1-2-3-openstrings+switchchord repeat.
I didn't read all the comments, hopefully I explained it ok
I've been wondering if a switch in how I play the chord would help...if I changed around the middle and ring fingers, would that still work for playing other chords?
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