Lesson 69 Overview of the Pentatonic Solo Pattern
Mixed a bunch a bunch of stuff I learned recently and tried to apply it
I started first by picking a lesson that would build on what I was already working on, which was Pentatonics. Being it my first scale, I thought I knew it all after just the Am Pentatonic, but I guess there were more shapes. In the Tip he said to try it out on the other Scales as well so I went and mesmerized the Major Pentatonic shapes. So the lesson said to use the 2/3 3/2 patterns to move around easy and it for sure got me going. I tried to use it as much as I could, wasn't trying to be groovy or melodic or add spices like bends. Kind of went off scale on some parts, it was pretty much improve. I did jam over my jam track many times. I tried to use everything CAGED I could think of mixed with Pentatonics and Blue notes here and there. Not sure if I used it right, but the starting riff and background chords I tried to play in one position with the CAGED shapes.