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Media added by D K

Hey guys, it's been a while since I uploaded a video, so here's the intro of Buried Alive. Any tips on how I can improve my finger picking and/or tone are appreciated 🙂
I've seen a bunch of people posting their cover of this solo here, so I decided to post my cover as well. I actually made this video more than 2 years ago, it's a bit rushed and/or sloppy at times, but overall I'm still pretty happy about it.
Guess the riff!
A cover of the part right before the acoustic part of exist. It's not technically very demanding, but getting the timing right was a bit hard. I hope you like it 🙂
I've been trying to learn the tapping part of Syn's master class solo. I think I figured it out, now I just need to get it up to speed. Feedback is appreciated as always :).
Something I randomly came up with. Inspired by Sweep Picking VI.
Me playing Sweep Picking VI. Made a couple mistakes, but who cares
Sweeps from "Beyond This life" by Dream Theater. When I first heard this it blew my mind, but it's actually much easier than it seems and it has helped me a lot with sweep picking in general.
I haven't practiced improv much since my forum post a couple of weeks ago, but here it is anyway. I started by playing to backing tracks in the key of D major, but I didn't really like it, it sounded too happy to me (what does that say about me?), so I switched to B minor, which contains exactly the
Some tapping excercises I came up with using only hammer-ons (no pull-offs), comparable to the overhand tapping in Syn's master class solo, but simpler. Could be used to increase finger strength and you can get creative with it. Feedback is always appreciated. 🙂