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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Media added by Ethan Lingenfelter

Syn quote that perfectly describes this cover: "She's a sloppy bitch" My all-time favorite Avenged song. I came in on a D5 when it should have been a G5, otherwise I'm pretty happy with this take.
Here's one week of progress on learning the Bat Country solo. She's a sloppy bitch, but I'm still working on it. Haven't learned the end bit of the solo, and the duel solo I have up to 75% speed currently.
The video is from a botched take where I played the last part on the wrong string, so ignore that lol. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with this. It's a li...
The video is from a botched take where I played the last part on the wrong string, so ignore that. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with this. Bends are a little sloppy though.