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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Media added by Flower Hands

found an old track

I was more creative back then, LOL T.T

Step Over Eternity

slacking so much guitar lately :X
Back to playing, always wanted to do this Solo but never got chopz That's from the Live 1972 track on Youtube Drums: Bonhamology Bass - me + pitch down plugin Guitar - me

Why Am I Like This

should've been doing something else

Thursday Jammy 2022

found drum loops on Youtube to record over, this one is pretty cool
another multi track jam, liking the chorus in this one. ty people bb / good night

2022 jam 4 synnerz

hi just sharing this track, thought it sounded cool
This is from a band from the 70s called The Lead Zeppelin, the 2003 DVD is enjoyable

Last night jam

edit: changed to something more energetic. , uninteresting overall but stick for the solo, the intro is interesting
Deep Purple = Burn = Solo Jam
Found a guitar-less track in the world wide web Burn is good album, the DVD too