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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Media added by Låww

Hi all! Been a wild couple of months but here is my band's newest track, hope you guys enjoy it and thank you very much for checking it out!
Been a while cuz Uni has been absolutely killing us mentally but we managed to squeeze this one out! Hope you like it! Any feedback is more than welcome :D
Hi all, a while back my band dropped the 2nd tune we ever made. It's a little more hard rock. We didn't get around to fixing the core drum sound yet, however we have since changed drum plugin so the next one should be a lot better drum sound wise. Anyhow lemme know what you think & thanks for checking it out! p.s. We are still looking for a vocalist
Hey all, i'm still quite new here but thought i'd drop the first demo by my band that we released not too long ago. We're still looking for a vocalist and a bass player so for now its all instrumental. Hope you enjoy and any feedback is massively appreciated!