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Media added by Lenore M

Right...so i do this little warm up medley before band practice every Sat.... I call it "Five Kings And A Queen". It's what gets me going. I always manage to mess up several times throughout, but that's practice. (Cough..pinch squeals and lots of hitting extra strings...cough!) I think it's easier
I was recently gifted this beautiful guitar. It was a total shock! Anyway, I'm getting used to the different width of the neck. It feels different than my Ibanez...not bad...just different. So this is just some basic shredding . I can't express how grateful I am and how much I love this new beauty.
Right, so I open for MMA events in my state. I shred the NA, I thought I would try to play the song this way to see how it goes. Well...it hurts. Physically hurts. HA! Not sure if I will do this for an event. Better stick to the other version with a wah pedal. 😀 Right?
So I'm working on the Sweep Pick Lesson (2), from this site. It ain't pretty yet. Got to start somewhere. LOL! My plan is to practice it every day for 30 days and post back in a month with the progress in a new update. Wish me luck, and thanks to everyone who check this out. Bye!
Yeah...so obviously this isn't an original. 🙂 I was having more fun mugging for the camera, trying to crack up Camera Mom. Looking at this, I can honestly say I could have tried to put a little more into this one. Playing slower for anything is not my strength, and it's something I am working on...
Hi Everyone. This is just a little shredding riff I use at the beginning of one of our songs, and it's a good warm up too. Fun to play. Thanks! 🙂