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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Media added by Michael McDonald

I recently started playing out some solo gigs, improvising over jam tracks. I wasn’t sure how it would turn out, but I’ve been getting some cool responses. What do y’all think?
My band, E57, just released our debut album, Heavy Seas and Smashing Skies. This is the guitar solo from our latest single, Morla. If you like it, and would like to check out more of the album, it’s abailable on all digital platforms. Thank you!
Squeezing some notes in before heading to work. Haven’t been playing much, lately.
Hey, y’all. Haven’t made a video in a while. Trying to work on the 3 nps pentatonic runs. Love the sound. Still working on moving it around the neck, so I’m mixing it with diatonic.
House-sitting at my brothers place. High ceilings, ftw. Brought to you in part by Yoo-hoo and Pepperidge Farm. #sponsormeplease hahaha
Running scales to warm up my right hand
Another improv video. Hope you like it! Playing through a Marshall MG10 because it was already plugged in, haha.
Riffs are uploading for me again, so I’d like to share a clip of me improvising. Most of how I practice is just playing over jam tracks. Hope you enjoy!
Here’s an old vid of me just boopin’ the bop. Testing to see if I can upload videos,yet. Thanks!