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Media added by Nathan Bearden

"The Stage" solo

I'll be working on one of my favorites, The Stage. Hope to add the song in its entirety, as I only know bits and pieces of it now. Here's the solo. The bends are very tricky and a little sloppy, so I apologize for that lol. Maybe some lighter bottom strings would make it a little easier. Thanks for watching!
Hello everybody! So, for my first post, is the first and only thing I ever posted on youtube coming in at 7 years ago. Life and addiction happened and I fell away from practicing guitar. Avenged Sevenfold has always been my main inspiration in music because of their creativity. Being sober today with a 1 year old daughter and beautiful fiance, hopefully there will be time for me to continue to follow my passion for music/guitar and create some content worthy of all you guys I've seen since joining. Hope you all enjoy, stay safe everyone! Thank you