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  1. Rezasa

    M.I.A. solo

    @Daneil Verde I’d say yours did not even close to 75% but you did well ! And I agree about your advice! Here is mine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPk67271B0o , there are so many economy picking, sweep picking and ultra fast alternate picking, if you mastered the D aeolian, pentatonic minor...
  2. Rezasa

    M.I.A. solo

    before I learn M.I.A solo, I learn some fast alternate picking and economy picking. I think those techniques will help
  3. Rezasa


    @syn Really glad to hear it from you, you are welcome!!! @ed hahaha that’s a good one!
  4. Rezasa

    video not showing

    iya bro kalo di indo harus pake vpn
  5. Rezasa


    Synyster Gates BEST SOLOs Medley Cover (Special Syn’s Birthday) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BEST MUSICIAN AND TEACHER!
  6. Rezasa

    Happy Birthday to Synyster Motherfu**ing Gates

    Synyster Gates BEST SOLOs Medley Cover (Special Syn’s Birthday) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BEST MUSICIAN AND TEACHER!
  7. Rezasa

    Syn school collab

    Good idea Tim, just like Jared collab videos. And the backing track sounds awesome!
  8. Rezasa

    Picking Questions + Progress

    You are welcome, and remember precision and comfort before speed.
  9. Rezasa

    Picking Questions + Progress

    It was a good progress, just try increase the bpm every time you feel comfortable with your picking at the speed.
  10. Rezasa

    Picking Questions + Progress

    For me economy picking is like sweep picking with alternate picking between them
  11. Rezasa

    The Stage Acoustic solo practice. Criticisms Welcome

    you are getting good bro, nice work
  12. Rezasa

    Same Solo 4 Years Apart – Guitar Progress

    Andrew that is hilarious, thanks! It is bro, pretty comfortable but that’s not enough, live performance is number one for musician. I still not comfortable playing live.
  13. Rezasa

    Same Solo 4 Years Apart – Guitar Progress

    Made this video for you guys! It’s Hail To The King!
  14. Rezasa

    Top 5 favourite guitarists

    1. Synyster Gates 2. Matthew Bellamy 3. Dimebag Darrell 4. Django Reinhardt 5. John Petrucci
  15. Rezasa

    Cannot post video, share your riffs/solo here

    very well Calvin, I love the harmonies, yet you have your unique approach of making those riffs, sounds pretty cool to me
  16. Rezasa

    Cannot post video, share your riffs/solo here

    i see the problem now, I use incognito to look the community riffs without logging in and my post is there.
  17. Rezasa

    can't play learning videos

    a pleasure bro!
  18. Rezasa

    can't play learning videos

    Same country same problem, use SetupVPN on your chrome bro
  19. Rezasa

    Cannot post video, share your riffs/solo here

    Everybody loves Seize The Day, I did the solo cover recently, but couldn’t post it on community riffs. So I am gonna put the video and ask you guys to give some comment and feedback. I think we can post, discuss, like and comment riffs here until the website is fixed.
  20. Rezasa

    I need support from you guys!

    Hey guys! I’ve been writing songs for my band since 2018, got a really big influence from Avenged Sevenfold and some from other metal and rock bands. Writing weird yet cool and memorable guitar riffs and solo is a thing I purpose to do so much in this band. And finally my band finished one song...