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  1. Riku Lainpelto

    New Player struggling

    Welcome to the world of guitars! Start with the simpliest techniques and chords. When I started to play guitar I always wanted to learn the nothing else matters and I remember watching tutorials at YouTube and getting frustrated again and again.. Took me probably 5-6 months to somewhat play...
  2. Riku Lainpelto

    Every one of my guitars was stolen today.

    Great to hear that you got one back. Let’s hope that The footage is enough!
  3. Riku Lainpelto


    That’s awesome! Probably hard to believe that it actually happened 😁
  4. Riku Lainpelto

    Every one of my guitars was stolen today.

    That sucks mate.. Hope you will get them back in one piece. If I only could help you somehow to get them back ASAP. Just tossing an idea here but.. Maybe we could raise money for a new guitar if you don’t get them back. It’d be voluntary ofc. I don’t have much but I’d definitely be down for that!
  5. Riku Lainpelto

    I think I might need help..

    I guess you’re all right. Could be more of an mental issue. I’m more of an guy who wants to see results right away so maybe I’m just over thinking. It’s a miracle that I’ve even gotten this far. I guess I just need to get over that “habit” of wanting results right away somehow. To change the way...
  6. Riku Lainpelto

    Do you see my videos in the riff section?

    Thanks for the reply. No worries. Thats an awesome job you’re doing! I guess I could make a post about it then. I actually thought about that when I uploaded it but didn’t know that the comments are disabled.
  7. Riku Lainpelto

    Do you see my videos in the riff section?

    Jak, I sent you a message two days ago. I have the exact same problem. I dont know if I some how did something wrong or what but I can’t see the video in the community riffs-section even if I log out. It’s in my profile though.
  8. Riku Lainpelto

    I think I might need help..

    First of all, thanks for both of you for the great replies! Dan. That actually boosted my motivation! I feel like no matter how much I practice things like sweeping, I don’t get better at it at all. I obviously know that as much as I wanted to, I can’t learn to play like Syn in a year and a...
  9. Riku Lainpelto

    I think I might need help..

    So, straight to the thing. I’ve almost hit an dead end, again. I know that it’s normal when you’re learning to play but I just feel like my progression is way too slow, especially on the more technical stuff. I don’t know if it’s my overall playing technic which sucks and makes my progression...
  10. Riku Lainpelto

    Anybody ever felt like this before?

    That sucks. I feel bad for you. You should turn the negative energy which you get from your mom to a positive enegry. Other people will always criticize you no matter what you do. The key is not to let it affect you so much that you stop doing the things you’re passionate about. Keep on rocking!
  11. Riku Lainpelto

    what was your first guitar?

    A Harley Benton 12-string. Ordered it from Thomann in december 2017. That was a mistake. Should’ve bought a 6-string stright away. At least it wasn’t expensive and it sounds good for the money after I changed the strings.
  12. Riku Lainpelto

    Should I show my finished but unmixed cover?

    Wow. Andrew, that was awesome. Great job mate!
  13. Riku Lainpelto's riff from August 1, 2019 at 2:03 pm

    Riku Lainpelto's riff from August 1, 2019 at 2:03 pm

    My first video in here! 🤙🏻 So today I decided to get my acoustic and thought why not to record it. Still not quite familiar with the camera on my face but oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️ Feel free to leave feedback.
  14. Riku Lainpelto


    I’d say, just DO IT! Eventually you get used to the camera. That was really hard for me to at the beginning. You can “practice” by recording every time you play. That’s actually a great thing to do even if you won’t publish it. That way you can keep track of your progress and watch for any...
  15. Riku Lainpelto

    Unable to learn any faster solos?

    Thank you Jak. Yesterday I started to re-learn the intro your way. Definitely easier to play that way. I used to play the 17-15 Part with my index and ring finger and the 14 fret I played with my middle finger. Today I’ll watch The rest of the videos after I get home from work.
  16. Riku Lainpelto

    Unable to learn any faster solos?

    Thanks. I really apperciate people who are willing to help others. I’m just “bad” at using forums. Gotta try to fix that lol. I actually tried to ask a guestion here couple months back but it just disappered as soon as I posted it and it was a kinda long story so I didn’t feel like writing it...
  17. Riku Lainpelto

    Unable to learn any faster solos?

    Hi. I’ve been quiet for a long time but don’t worry, I’ve been practicing almost daily. I’m not good at writeups but I finally figured something out and felt the need to say it out loud because that’s why these forums exist so just bare with me. Let’s start from my own experience. I’ve been...
  18. Riku Lainpelto

    Clumsy fingers

    Haven’t had clumsy fingers, atleast for now. Thank you again for all the great answers to my stupid question 😀 Today I finished my version, and did a cover-video of the So far away arpeggio-part. Still getting a bit nervous on camera haha.
  19. Riku Lainpelto

    How accurate is Songsterr for tabs?

    Well, I prefer the ultimate quitar as there is usually many versions to choose from and the ones which have higher ratings seems to be pretty accurate most of the time.
  20. Riku Lainpelto

    Clumsy fingers

    Thank you for all the great answers and tips! Aileé Guerra Aréizaga I need to try that, let’s hope it helps with my fingers 🙂 I usually tend to skip the warm-up, or I just play the pentatonic scale few times back and forth. Depends on the day and how much I have time I guess.. Calvin Phillips I...