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  1. C

    Leftie flip……. Ideas!

    PRS bruh- https://syngates.com/riffs/guthrie-govan-country-road-solo/ I love my PRS. I DO want to switch it up though as ALL of my guitars have had mahogany bodies and necks. My next guitar will probably be a Suhr Modern Pro. The pickups are phenominal and super versatile, the wood choices...
  2. C

    Jazz III

    Yeah, those petrucci picks might be the most functional pick Ive ever used because of the sharp Jazz III tip, the stiffness of Ultex, and how smooth the playing surface is. My big gripe with those is that they have no real grip whatsoever. They just slide around in my hand. Ive been on a quest...
  3. C

    double Harmonic Scale

    Awesome! Id love to take a listen to it!
  4. C

    double Harmonic Scale

    Well one clear thing to look for is 2 major chords a whole step apart. In a major scale, the only place where there is 2 majors a whole step apart is the IV-V so if D is your V, count back 5 letters and you get G. Youre in G Major, but you it sounds like it centers more on the D, so yeah I would...
  5. C

    how do I create harmonies

    Yeah its not super important on how you record it, its just important that its a clear defined melody to the best of your abilities. Just somethimg that comes from your imagination!
  6. C

    how do I create harmonies

    Oh no worries man, lol Im not mad or anything. Learning this stuff just takes a lot of personal effort and self exploration. Its one of those things where someone can show you the door, but you have to walk through it. Also once you learn, its something that you kind of “own” at that point and...
  7. C

    Have you met Synyster Gates? What happened?

    Yeah their energy is what really blew me away! They came out with authority and opened with Chapter 4! I had never seen another band play with such a strong vibe like that, I was instantly hooked. Especially with how small they were as a band at that point, I knew they were gonna be huge and...
  8. C

    Combining major and minor thirds

    Here’s a little video I just did addressing this. CORRECTIONS: At about 7:30 I meant to say 5 instead of flat 3rd and at 14:33 I meant to say major 7th instead of major 3rd
  9. C

    Combining major and minor thirds

    I also mention a Guthrie Govan video I believe where he uses all 12 notes, this is that video-
  10. C

    double Harmonic Scale

    Those are the chords built off the various notes of a scale. Like F major for instance. The F major scale is F G A Bb C D E F So the basic way to build a chord is to choose a scale degree and then use every other letter so each chord would go I- F A C E – Major 7 ii- G Bb D F – Minor 7 iii- A C...
  11. C

    Have you met Synyster Gates? What happened?

    Lol I thought it was outlandish enough for no one to believe it, but I guess that was not the case
  12. C

    Have you met Synyster Gates? What happened?

    In case there was any confusion here, I was completely joking about the band impersonating other celebrities lol. Come on guys we’re here to have fun, we dont have to be so serious all the time!
  13. C

    Have you met Synyster Gates? What happened?

    You ever see those impersonators on Hollywood Blvd that play different superheros or Jesus and charge $5 to get a picture with them. Just like that.
  14. C

    Have you met Synyster Gates? What happened?

    Yeah man, that’s literally how they afforded gas to get from show to show. Ya know it really shows the hard work and dedication that the band went through to make it where they did. Shadows tried to impersonate Tom Cruise, but like weird mix of Tom Cruise from Top Gun AND Risky Business, and he...
  15. C

    Have you met Synyster Gates? What happened?

    Yes! I first met all of them at warped tour 2004 in St Louis. The first time I heard them was in 2003 and I HATED it. Mostly because I didnt like screaming, and Matt had a serious screech on him. After I saw them on headbangers ball and I saw a lefty Zacky playing a schecter, I was hooked...
  16. C

    how do I create harmonies

    Buddy, you wanna learn? Create a melody so I can show you a few things. I could make one for you, but I want you to put a little effort and creativity into it. Im happy to show you all kinds of things, but you have to work a bit like everyone that wants to get anywhere.
  17. C

    Audio Interface?

    Yup, thats what I was gonna say. But if you can upgrade to at least the 2i2, do it. Extra inputs is definitely a good thing.
  18. C

    how do I create harmonies

    “bump” is the general term for keeping a thread recent. Also, write a short melody and post it so I can help!
  19. C

    Amph settings

    I would mostly listen to your ear and what YOU like. My general philosophy, personally, for each individual knob is: Bass- add enough to make your tone thicker and bigger, but not so much that it sounds “flubby” and not tight. Some amps have so much bass by nature that I can only turn the bass...
  20. C

    How to get avenged sevenfolds tone?

    Yes! Thats exactly where I got mine. They are great for recording and reducing string noise, or for tapping to make sure other strings are ringing out when you dont want them to. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gruv+wraps