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  1. C


    Cody, Ill try and do a video a little later tonight when I get home of that Tornado of souls solo and show you how I do it.
  2. C


    Kelly, make sure you check out that second video I posted! It should help a bit with some of the issues youve had.
  3. C


    Also great info Will! Stretching for guitar is often overlooked, and its NEVER should be! This stuff is so important.
  4. C

    A question for the pros

    This is the basic logic! But no, all of those terms of major/minor 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th are in reference to the Ionian or major scale. Its like when we write out a scale formula like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Thats the formula for the Ionian/major scale. We would write the Aeolian/natural minor...
  5. C

    A question for the pros

    And Tobi is correct! the important thing is that music is heard and not “seen” as visual patterns on the neck. We often learn, as guitarist, by repeating patterns that we see on the fretboard, but we end up not sounding very musical and its because the sounds arent internalized the way that they...
  6. C

    A question for the pros

    I think there is a little confusion on what a “mode” is. scales/arpeggios/chords should all be thought of as the same thing. Modes all contain arpeggios. Also modes arent positions on the neck, they are collections of notes played against a chord/harmony. So if we have an E minor chord being...
  7. C

    Gypsy Jazz

    I would like to emphasize that EVERYONE go check out Bireli Legrene! That guy is seriously one of the great musicians of our time and quite possibly my spirit animal! There are video from when he was like 13 just absolutely destroying some gypsy jazz. He is definitely one of the GOAT, undoubtedly.
  8. C

    Does Drop D twist your neck

    No, twisting and warping happens more because of moisture and humidity than anything else. Heavier string gauges will pull your neck forward, but thats why you have an adjustable truss rod in the neck so you can compensate for that bend. My best advice is dont give your a guitar a bath! I...
  9. C

    Fractal Axe fx and AX8 users

    Here’s a demo of the new synyster gates pickups as well the ML Sound Lab “Djent” Cab IRs. The patch and info about it are in the description. I used a Bogner Uberschall amp sim and the recto cab sim. If you dont have the Djent cab pack, I recommend the “German 4×12” stock IR. Scream Cover
  10. C


    [No message]
  11. C


    Here’s a video because it’s much easier to explain this way rather than typing everything out-
  12. C

    double Harmonic Scale

    No problem dude! I hope that was helpful on SOME level. The other part I maybe failed to mention was to build the chords and then try to create your own progressions. Maybe even start with a simple I IV V I or I VI II V I, but in this crazy scale, as a jumping off point. I would start with maybe...
  13. C

    It's hard out here for a lefty……

    Just like it’s hard out here for a pimp! I know that I cant be the ONLY lefty out there. We got any more out there? If so, sound off! And even better yet, post a video showing us all how lefty you REALLY are! Here’s a video of me covering Guthrie Govan’s “country road” solo! Guthrie Govan –...
  14. C

    double Harmonic Scale

    Yes! So the first thing to do with ANY new scale that you’re unsure of is to analyze it. So choose a key center, we’ll use the key of A for this one, and figure out all the notes that the scale uses. This page notates the root of the scale with an “n” under the root note. So this scale in the...
  15. C

    Is CAGED really that bad?

    Yeah, what Brian said. CAGED is the best way to learn things because you start thinking in terms of chord shapes and harmony rather than just visual patterns that sound like you’re just running scales up and down, which people tend to do when they only know the 3 note per string patterns. It’s...
  16. C

    Anyone here fans of Polyphia or Jason Richardson?

    Yes! Those guys are dope! Heres a short section of Aviator that I did a year or 2 ago. Enjoy! Polyphia Aviator Excerpt
  17. Christopher Lonski's riff from January 6, 2018 at 5:17 pm

    Christopher Lonski's riff from January 6, 2018 at 5:17 pm

    Everyone kept covering Jason Richardsons parts, but not the earlier sections! So I transcribed it and recorded it! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ip_GId8p-Y0
  18. Christopher Lonski's riff from January 5, 2018 at 6:28 pm

    Christopher Lonski's riff from January 5, 2018 at 6:28 pm

    Solo cover I did a while back of Aaron Marshall's solo written for "Fire" by PVRIS
  19. Christopher Lonski's riff from January 5, 2018 at 6:27 pm

    Christopher Lonski's riff from January 5, 2018 at 6:27 pm

    This is a cover a did over a year ago of the "Higher" Chorus and solo, enjoy