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  1. Isaac Moss

    About To Create A New Practice ''Idea"

    Hey guys! So I know I’ve talked about this before but I’m about to start implementing a new practice routine that is really simple in it’s philosophy, so unlike what I’ve been doing for 4 months now. Anyways a while ago I watched a video where this guy who’s an incredible player named Claus...
  2. Isaac Moss

    Do you use the idea of chord progressions to write?

    Aye I gotcha, what kind of music do you write by the way? I mostly write metal and some like alternative ish stuff, I haven’t written any full length songs yet though just a ton of riffs and future song parts.
  3. Isaac Moss

    Do you use the idea of chord progressions to write?

    When you guys use chord progressions do you normally throw in other chords and stuff like that or just strictly stick to the progression?
  4. Isaac Moss

    Do you use the idea of chord progressions to write?

    Thanks for the advice! I like the idea of using plagal and perfect cadences as I haven’t thought about like structuring songs like that! And I haven’t listened to Slipknot I’ll go check out how they used their chord progressions and stuff.
  5. Isaac Moss

    Do you use the idea of chord progressions to write?

    Ah thanks for the info dude!Normally when I write I just kinda mess around until I get a cool riff or lick or something like that. So if I want to try writing with progressions should I find one like 6-3-4-1 for example and then mess around with those chords as in like vocal melodies with all...
  6. Isaac Moss

    Do you use the idea of chord progressions to write?

    Hey guys! So lately (as in the past few days) I’ve been thinking quite a bit about something I read the Syn said about chords. He said he was more obsessed with chords than soloing because great chords can be used make great solos. I think that’s a pretty cool way of looking at it actually, and...
  7. Isaac Moss


    Dude that blows that’d be a nightmare for me I hope you’ll get backing to shreddin soon. Was that doctors orders I guess?
  8. Isaac Moss

    What Is Difficult for you Guys On Stage?

    Yeah you’re right about trying to have a great time on stage lol, for now I’m mostly a bedroom guitarist(Actually attic haha) but if I just got thrown up on stage right now I’d probably forget how to hold the thing XD. I want to write a full song and play it this year at the Talent Show and I...
  9. Isaac Moss

    Stickers/ Customizing Guitars

    Oh yeah for sure! Like Billie Joe Armstrong’s “Blue”, that thing is nothing but stickers!
  10. Isaac Moss

    What Is Difficult for you Guys On Stage?

    Yeah one of the big problems for me was I used a backing track playing through the PA system and I couldn’t hear that it started or very well at all through the song. And my guitar was really quiet too lol. I want to play Scream senior year(I’m a sophomore now) because I love the solo but I’m...
  11. Isaac Moss

    How fast are you guys?

    I’m not sure actually, I’ll have to find out when I get home today! Were you just tremolo picking or playing individual notes?
  12. Isaac Moss

    What Is Difficult for you Guys On Stage?

    Just a random question I thought of to see if you guys have had similar problems in the past. I’ve only been on stage for two shows, once for this thing the guitar store that I take lessons at did and three times in one day at my school’s talent show back in December. Both times I found it...
  13. Isaac Moss

    Did you guys see the new products in the store?

    It’d be awesome if Syn and Papa Gates both like wrote a book or something on guitar and like their guitar journeys and stuff. It might be a bit far fetched but it’s something I’d buy in a heartbeat.
  14. Isaac Moss

    Stickers/ Customizing Guitars

    Nice man I’ll go look at it! I get not wanting to put stickers on some of them, especially like a Syn Gates guitar or a PRS or something. I think I got them sticker idea from Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance originally, the dude put random words and stuff in big stickers on his Les Pauls...
  15. Isaac Moss

    Stickers/ Customizing Guitars

    Also Kirk Hammett’s movie poster guitars are freaking awesome!
  16. Isaac Moss

    Stickers/ Customizing Guitars

    What’s going on guys! Hey so in the past few months I’ve been deterred from buying a signature guitar, even though Syn’s, Zacky’s and Dime’s are literally the coolest thing ever I just don’t want to be a “copycat” if you know what I mean. I love crazy insane looking guitars! Even though I might...
  17. Isaac Moss

    Original Solo Help

    *Of adding in
  18. Isaac Moss

    Original Solo Help

    I like Ids’ idea if adding in different melodic ideas that should give your hands a rest! This would require changing up the song a bit but maybe you could add in a slow harmony section right before or maybe some easier rhythms that lead up to the solo like Master Of Puppets and even Afterlife.
  19. Isaac Moss

    Technique PraKISH

    Dang it seems like all the legends did something different, Steve Vai essentially did the opposite of what Dime and Yngwie did. Maybe Dime and Yngwie had a natural knack for being able to shred, either that or playing Van Halen for Dime and PAGANINI for Yngwie were wonderful “exercises”...
  20. Isaac Moss

    Technique PraKISH

    At that makes sense dude. I think I’m gonna start spending a lot more time on just one technique like that because Jak told me it’s not a good idea to try shove a lot of things into a little amount of time which does make sense. One thing that may not be a bad idea is spending a lot of time on...