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  1. Alexander

    Sweep Picking 3 – Lesson 81

    Kinda surprised I was able to keep up. The C shape pinky roll coming up is giving me issues though. if too low, my pink snags on the low E string, to high and the note on the A string sounds choppy. I can only make it sound clean by slightly lifting the pinky... might pass for now, though how...
  2. Alexander

    Sweep Picking 2 – Lesson 80

    several weeks in, wasn't looking promising that my pinky could get the pull off stretch to sound clean. Started doing pinky stretches for few days instead. Not sure if that is what did the trick, but coincidently I got it down immediately the following day.
  3. Alexander

    Sweep Picking 2 – Lesson 80

    And here I thought I had a good handle on sweeps lol. Great lesson!
  4. Alexander

    Economy Picking – The 3-1-3 Pattern – Lesson 78

    This one was a bit tough for me at first. Will have to spend some time on it.
  5. Alexander

    Alternate Picking Exercises 4 – Lesson 76

    Thought this was going to be string skipping of the past patterns. 😅 I'm digging the lick!
  6. Alexander

    Alternate Picking Exercises 3 – Lesson 75

    I recall playing these patterns when I was a kid, back when I was trying to make sense of things and had no grasp of scales yet. Luckily, I still have most of it engrained, so saves me a bit of time... Big takeaway from this lesson was counting in three's. It's pretty neat! Hides the accents you...
  7. Alexander

    Introduction to the 12 Bar Blues – Lesson 68

    Anyone know how to remove a comment? I accidentally posted a comment twice and cannot find the remove... Oh well fire emoji lol 🔥.
  8. Alexander

    Introduction to the 12 Bar Blues – Lesson 68

    Gaining far more familiarity with these chords!!! This was the lesson that humbled me a while back. It made me returned to the fundamental lessons for a while, and now I'm back and blown away by the difference. :D
  9. Alexander

    Introduction to the 12 Bar Blues – Lesson 68

    Anyone got tips for adding that thumb? I can get it, though sounds kind of rough sometimes.
  10. Alexander

    The Phrygian Mode – Lesson 62

    Are all the jam tracks in C?
  11. Alexander

    Overview of the “Modes” – Lesson 59

    Went over all the modes, though I must have missed exactly why the Ionian and Mixolydian modes are the only ones to have a dominant chord. I would have thought that the dominant chord would cascade down like the other chords (C Dorian having an F7, C Phrygian having an E7 and Lydian having a D7...
  12. Alexander

    The Seven Positions of a Major Scale – Second Position – Lesson 53

    I found the A minor pentatonic/blues overlapping with this position and it sounds great 😁. Kind of opened my eyes that not only the A minor pentatonic , but also the B minor pentatonic, works with the G major Scale. So, in any key, the two adjacent keys in the circle of fifths will match.
  13. Alexander

    Extended Arpeggios in a Single Postion – Lesson 51

    I was dreading the day that I was going to add 7ths to my chord memorization... Though it's clicking much quicker than anticipated. Great lesson!
  14. Alexander

    Arpeggios in a Single Position – Lesson 50

    How well until one proceeds? I can play quickly in ascending order... descending is a bit slower though. (nvm got it now :D)
  15. Alexander

    Building More Complicated Chords – Lesson 49

    So Cool! This lesson had me grinning :). Does that G chord have a similar transition for moving the thirds with the root still on the 6th string? Only way I can think of is using my thumb.
  16. Alexander

    Videos still not working

    There anything the community could do to help out?
  17. Alexander

    Take your time and enjoy the process

    Was that one of the included programs for the focusrite?
  18. Alexander

    Take your time and enjoy the process

    I got an interface this past year and that led me getting monitors and midi controllers. Sounds amazing! Now a friend gifted me his pro tools perpetual license a while back, which is nice because I don’t feel pressured by the subscription costs… But I have been playing with the settings and I...
  19. Alexander

    Tuning a guitar with floyd rose

    I bought a TremBlock off of Amazon and positioned it underneath the fine tuners. The tremolo should be rested in a way that is roughly parallel to the body, and tuned all the strings. Look up images for reference. Then remove the block, and hopefully in your case, it levels out the first time so...
  20. Alexander

    Guitar If you could give just 1 pro tip regarding guitar/practicing, what would it be?

    Out of sight out of mind. Keep a guitar easily accessible and remember to practice often. Brain plasticity over night does wonders!