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  1. Karen Dunson

    Issues with Posts?

    It won’t let me add or link to my Facebook, but I do find things tend to work better in the Chrome browser. I’ve still been able to post without being linked for the most part. It will make me do a CAPTCHA every few posts is all.
  2. Karen Dunson

    Merry christmas

    Merry Christmas!
  3. Karen Dunson

    Hi everyone, I'm new

    @jak, sorry, my computer has been offline because I’m painting my office. I saw the video you posted, if that’s the same one. Can’t help feeling that song is going to be epic. I can’t wait to hear it. It won’t let me add my facebook to my profile. I hope this posts. This laptop is really...
  4. Karen Dunson

    finally able to Play a WHOLE Song!!

    That’s awesome! Looking forward to it as well.
  5. Karen Dunson

    Beginner question: The amp?

    Thank you all for your responses and the video. I was kind of intimidated by the buzzing when I first started playing with the knobs and haven’t touched it since, but I’m guessing now that’s normal because obviously the first button is the gain. I’ll play around with it some more tonight...
  6. Karen Dunson

    Beginner question: The amp?

    Oh, also, what is clean and drive? Do I want that button in or out or is it different for different situations?
  7. Karen Dunson

    Beginner question: The amp?

    Thanks for all this great advice. I guess I should have posted some more information. The guitar is electric, but it sounds like an acoustic to me. I’m sorry, I worded that poorly in the original post. It’s a Yamaha Pacifica, and the amp is a Yamaha GA15II. It does have gain, but no reverb...
  8. Karen Dunson

    Beginner question: The amp?

    I’m hovering around lessons 12 and 13, and my guitar doesn’t sound like that, which makes it harder to know if I’m actually doing it right. I realize I don’t have that level of equipment, but when I plug into the amp it still just sounds like a louder acoustic guitar. So my question is, are...
  9. Karen Dunson

    ***Beginner's Mental Block: Get Out of Your Own Head!!!***

    Ahhh, judgement, failure and self-doubt, my oldest friends. I won’t go into detail, but it’s been a strange life. I’ve clawed my way up from rock bottom, and I’m okay with who I became, but still I guard myself, and I’m very careful who I associate with or what I put out there for people to...
  10. Karen Dunson

    Hey Guys! Could I Get Some Feedback on My Nightmare Solo?

    Wow, awesome! I still don’t know a lot about guitar, but I’ve listened to the song about a billion times, and that sounded great!
  11. Karen Dunson

    Hi everyone, I'm new

    Let me check YouTube. I’ll let you know! 😀 You’re gonna make a farmer out of me yet, lol!
  12. Karen Dunson

    Hi everyone, I'm new

    Thank you! I went ahead and subscribed so I can learn guitar without accidentally joining the local 4-H. 😀
  13. Karen Dunson

    Hi everyone, I'm new

    Thank you, Jak. You’re quite welcome, but really it wasn’t much. I’ll try to hit it up again after Christmas. Right now I’m laughing hysterically because I typed in “Milking the lessons” on YouTube and it gave me all kinds of lessons on milking cows. Might need you to give me that link...
  14. Karen Dunson

    Hi everyone, I'm new

    Been lurking, but thought I should probably say hi. I picked up the guitar about three weeks ago. My son had to be home schooled due to anaphylactic food allergies, and he gets really tired of doing things by himself. So when he decided he wanted to learn a rock instrument I agreed to do it...