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a little help for a member frustrated with his guitar

Israel Stefanello

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
hey synners
I would like to ask for a help to you souum rhythmic guitarist but I want to learn solo with improvisation and not only with pentatonic that the maximum I got was with the CAGED system that I learned here (of course while I had time) but I keep wondering I have to know every arm of the guitar all the scale to be able to import? I use very standard ones to get something improvised
I look at all of you demolishing the guitar doing incredible improvisations so I ask you what I need to train that scales and pentatonic the basics to get an improvisation and not stay in that pentatonic because I find it really frustrating for me to stay only in the pentatonic
sorry for my upset
if someone can indicate something to me I thank you from the heart
love all


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
All I can tell you is what I do. First try to dissect what you’really improvising over and take all the notes from all the different chords and combine them into a scale. When you have the scale(major, minor, harmonic minor, Double harmonic major, melodic minor etc.) You can start creating melodies and a solo from these. When you get this you can start utilising the arpeggios that go with the chords. Essentially when you want to get good improvisation you either need an extremely good ear or a bunch of theory knowledge (scales, intervals, color tones, arpeggios etc.) And of course for all the above try to utilise the Caged system as much as you can.
Hope this helps!
Also even though it is a bit scrappy I talk a bit about my process of improvisation at the end of this video
Jak’s challenge 7

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
The weekly improv challenge has helped a LOT. Every week, we pick a back track, and a scale over top. I practice that scale, as well as the penatonic scale that goes with it. And of course, the Arpeggios as well. This weeks is G MINOR. Maybe you should give it a shot. It doesn’t even need to be fancy.. My improv videos were only a minut elong to start. Last week, I went the entire 7 minutes. What a progression in a month IMO. I bet you could do it too. THe melodies are in your head, you just gotta take the time to play the scales out before actually looking at the back tracks. I try to spend a few hours on the scales before even listening to the backtrack a 2nd time. I usually listen to it once right away to hear the track, then I go right to work on my scales, then I’ll record the back track And play over top of it in one take and mix the two together and post it. I stopped doing a 2nd take.. if you get stuck in the first take, whoc ares.. just take a breather, ala a rest for a whole bar, and start over.

Sayonil Mitra

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Starting to do killer improvs partially depends on learning scales (maybe), partially depends on how freely are you playing. It will happen. You will see that whatever you are playing may not always sound as good as you wanted. Just keep playing. Sit with your guitar and do loads of mistakes deliberately. Try to notice new interesting licks in solos of different songs that you like.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Jak Angelescu

Olá meu amigo. Eu sinto muito por você se sentir assim. Eu quero que você saiba que está tudo bem começar com as posições que você está confortável. Torne-se muito bom para eles. Você não tem nenhum vídeo na escola do seu desempenho de guitarra, é difícil para nós ajudá-lo. Por favor, lembre-se que existem muitos guitarristas lendários que usam muito os padrões pentatônicos. Eu gostaria de encorajá-lo a compartilhar seu progresso conosco e realizar sua primeira improvisação aqui com esta trilha de fundo fácil. Não tenha vergonha em usar escalas pentatônicas em primeiro lugar. Todos vão usá-los no começo. Às vezes eles não soam muito bem em progressões de acordes e você quer um som diferente. Aprender outras escalas e uma pequena teoria musical para se ajudar. Além disso, a improvisação não é tudo. Às vezes, você deve se permitir descobrir novos riffs e praticá-los até conseguir que eles soem bem. Isso faz com que sua improvisação melhore! Quando improviso, tento coisas novas e continuo a tocá-las até chegar onde quero que estejam. É assim que você desenvolve seu próprio estilo também! Espero que isso ajude, meu amigo!
You can use Aminor pentatonic pattern here to help you get started 🙂 🙂

Israel Stefanello

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
it may be that the Portuguese that I write in the translator is confusing when I go to English here I’m sorry if it gets a bit confusing
I as a Brazilian mistake a lot in the Portuguese writing because it is a language with many
I just passed the translator, everyone talks here and I can understand, yes, this is okay. rules and meanings