I've read your post. I dont wanna screw things up, so... please take what I say with a grain of salt. However, I would like to tell you about one of my friends.
He was an A+ student, top of the class, he started medicine, and when he was 23-24 he dropped it.
I always asked him why he didn't commit to the end, just 2 more years; he was doing great, he liked medicine etc....
What he really wanted was to make a living out of music, not have a job with money and no time for himself at all. He liked medicine, but he loved music. When he dropped from university he started studying even more music. He went from having a local band and knowing intermediate stuff to get in an actual music school and learned properly.
He pretty much made it. Nowdays he has his own music combo and plenty of my friends work with him/for him. He has money and has free time, However its not that simple. From January to May the combo has to practise, He does arranges, he does the choreography for the band... he really works his ass.. but he feels acomplished. Then they have dates, spent all summer out there playing. All over North of Spain. Its a pretty thought life. Just add "fucked up" stuff like: not geting paid (rare, but can happens), all the fatigue, flat tires and no makin it in time...
He stills play guitar tho, but he also sings and dances. Its his fulltime job.
It may have been luck, maybe not.
What i can tell you for certain, he would do it again if he had to.
Just wanted to share, hope it helps you. Before doing anything, try really "talking to you" an introspection. What you want to do if you make it out there, what you dont want. Would you be able to sustain yourself economically? Dont depend on your parents? Etc... all that stuff
Its really tought tho, not as easy said as done.
I hope nothing but the best for you, cheers.