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Great job Ailee! I gotta get me a looper pedal now. I like the lick you did at around the 2:00 minute mark. I might have to steal that one day lol. Very good understanding of the C major scale and the fretboard. It’s good that you’re exploring the entire fretboard instead of staying in one position or “box”.
Vibratos were good in this one. As long as the vibrato fits the feel or vibe of what you’re doing, you should be ok.
Thanks Juan! Love looper pedals, they are fun and a great way to work on timing.
Lol! Steal away my friend, my estate won’t press any charges!
And thanks, yes I’m trying to focus on one scale at a time, to really know it and know how to use it in a musical context. 🙂
Synner Endless Summer Collection


@ailee – good to know lol
@kim – sorry I didn’t comment on yours. Must have slipped my mind. Great job on the Beatles song. My fingerpicking is right around where you’re at. One thing that has been helping me with my changes is practicing one change at a time. Once I hit the change perfectly 5 times in a row, I add the next change, and so on.
@kim You are doing really well! The one thing I would add to what the others have said is try to relax your pinky finger so it’s not sticking up. As a beginner this is a good time to do it so it doesn’t become a habit that you later have to work to break.

Kevin Kwasneski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
@ailee Guerra Areizaga Here is a video hopefully clarifying some of the things that the other members were talking about and to anyone else that wants a bit of advise on bending and vibrato

I almost didn’t post this because it took me like 4 takes and I hate the way I look and sound on video. But the only way to overcome a fear is to do it!
Also, in the video I forgot to talk about sliding into vibrato. You can slide up to the fret and waver the sound. Just to add some more “flavor” to a note.
Synner Endless Summer Collection
Thank you Kevin! Very kind of you to make that tutorial. 🙂
You have nothing to worry about, everyone struggles with being on video or recordings at first, but you are right the way to get over that is to just keep doing it.

Kevin Kwasneski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
@julie Queslin Nice cover!!! At the moment, I don’t have any advise except for keep going and keep practicing!!
@Sayonil Mitra Cool track. It reminds me of ‘Adam’s Song’ from Blink 182.
And I am closing in on posting a new cover. Should I put it here or create a new topic?
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Kevin Kwasneski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Better late than never I guess. Didn’t have this learned by Christmas, but only a week late. Everyone knows Carol of the Bells (Christmas Eve Sarajevo), so I wanted to play a few different ones, so I created a medley, so in order: Christmas Eve Sarajevo, (Clean intro), Boughs of Holly, Nutrocker, Siberian Sleigh Ride, Christmas Jam, and back to Christmas Eve Sarajevo.
Messed up a few parts, but overall satisfied with it. And I’m trying not to be too critical of my own playing.